11th January 2020

WHAT’S NEW as at 11th January 2020

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017.



All winners are published as Downloads (see Downloads – Online Store on Home Page)

This is because ALL new movies have two years as a Download before also being available on the Subscription site – note that XXX movies remain as Downloads.

The winners are:

WET (5 nominations) Wet Couple Fun!  How often do you see this?

A joint WSM and Custard Couple production with 25 minute HD movie WSM228 or CC113, as Custard Couple (CC) play in the river dressed in their business suits! Plus 264 enhanced (full screen) images set W389.

SLAPSTICK (amazingly only 3 nominations)How do you compete against the  drawing power of Axajay and the busty Ava? HD movie WSM257 has a Slapstick set-to as Ava and Axajay confront Mr. Nasty in this 28 minute movie.

Add-in 143 enhanced images in set S462 and this is great value!

MUDDY FUN (3 nominations)A lesson for all sports fans as Dee goes at it 100%!

Dee had changed and decided on some goalkeeper fitness practice for exercise, but in the muddiest conditions imaginable!

HD movie WSM209 runs 21 minutes plus 315 enhanced images in set M226.

Shot at our own unique outdoor black mud location.

XXX  (5 nominations) Put together some outrageous Slapstick with a Humiliation theme and Custard Couple (CC) are masters at this type of entertainment!  Running an unbelievable 47 minutes, this Slapstick XXX movie XXX075 features Mrs. CC and the title says it all ‘Messy Humiliation in Pink’, plus 84 enhanced images in set S473XXX.





NORMAL DOWNLOADS  24 (42   2018)

XXX DOWNLOADS    78 (73   2018)

VINTAGE FILM STREAMS     50         (50   2018)

TOTAL                      152     (165   2018)



WSM MOVIES   191     176


VINTAGE MOVIES    15        15

MESSY WRESTLING    18        18

TOTAL    316                  289



As you should know WSM takes great pride with the Images.

There were 58 sets enhanced to full screen size (plus the History shots) during 2019.


WET – winner

Not often you see this!

Certainly not a 25 minute movie and over 250 images!

Custard Couple excel in a vivacious movie starting full of fun and childish play before gradually transforming into a more adult and sexily orientated movie.

This is the normal movie with no XXX action.

Custard Couple feature yet again in great couple action WET FUN!



A Download HD Movie plus Image set

 ‘CC play in the river in their suits’

Run-time 25 mins 15 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips


Stream 1    runs 12 mins 36 secs

CC introduce the shoot both clad in their work suits (including a tie for Mr. CC and heels for Mrs. CC).

They are setting out to entertain us.

But they have the normal difficulty (in the UK) of trying to get into rather cold water.

Mr.CC splashes Mrs.CC (who gasps with the cold!) despite it being a remarkable warm and sunny day!

Mr.CC splashes her back as she stands knee deep in the river.

Then it is Mr. CC’s turn!

Mrs. CC does not lark about but liberally splashes Mr. CC.

Then we have double fire power as they set about splashing each other.

At 04-12 Mrs. CC lifts her skirt and Mr. CC really enjoys splashing her bum and back.

Turning her round, he furiously splashes her front and Mrs. CC had kept her skirt raised.

At 5-00 we switch to a new scene as standing knee deep in the water facing the camera, Mr. CC wants them both to go for a swim in their suits.

But first they have to sink down slowly into the water.

Then off they swim in the river (against the current).

Mr. CC wants to see his wet wife so up she stands – See CLIP 1.


She then hoists her skirt up!

They set off together using the river current.

They roll and lark about together, with Mr. CC acting as a float for Mrs. CC.

At 8-00 they get to their feet in the middle of the river.

At 8-39 we move to their next activity as Mr. CC says they will have a wet suit diving competition.

Mr. CC considers himself an expert.

So he takes the first dive emerging with a dripping suit (and looking very pleased with himself!)

So how will Mrs. CC fare with her dive?

She makes a very creditable effort and emerges spluttering and drenched (much to Mr. CC’s satisfaction!)

For the next dive they remove their jackets (and as it is getting serious, Mr. CC removes his tie!)

Mr. CC tells her to watch……as this is how it should be done!

‘That is what you call number one’, splutters a triumphant Mr. CC.

Mrs. CC hoists her skirt then flops and swims in the water.

A sporting Mr. CC (ever the gentleman) decides that the diving contest is a draw!


Stream 2     runs 12 mins 39 secs

Mr. CC tells Mrs. CC that ‘He loves the look of her wet clothes’ as he fondles her wet blouse!

Mrs. CC continues the new tone saying ‘It must make you feel quite horny in this water’.

They go to the bank and recline in the shallows.

Mrs. CC admires his suit which is ‘All black and shiny!’

Mrs. CC reckons ‘Everyone should wear their suits in the water!’

She sets out to entice Mr. CC rearing her wet bum in a vivid pink knicker display.

‘Very, very sexy’, says Mr. CC.

Now we can all see where this wet play is leading!

She undoes her husband’s shirt.

They smooche.

Then she splashes him as he kneels in the shallow water.

Mrs. CC lifts her blouse to expose her pink bra.

She lies back as Mr. CC slops water over her, caressing and kissing her body.

Then Mr. CC lies on top of Mrs. CC.

He is relishing splashing her knickered bum and stockings.

They squirm together in a sexual fantasy.

At 4-55 Mr. CC rolls her away and with Mrs. CC on her back, he enjoys caressing and kissing her bra covered boobs.

Simulated sex takes place with Mr. CC frotting his wife.

She extends her legs over his shoulders for a very unusual sex play position, but the purpose is for a wet shot, with her hair dipped into the water and those long wet legs!

Their probings become more intimate.

Mr. CC releases her boobs in a rather stunning Clip that captures this unusual play – See CLIP 2.


At 7-06 Mr. CC retreats then sloshes water over Mrs. CC who continues to lie back in the shallows.

Mrs. CC is now starting to feel really naughty so suggests they take more clothes off!

They both stand up.

Mr. CC removes her blouse as she removes his shirt.

Then he removes her skirt.

Both are now stripped down to their undies with Mrs. CC in bra (but her boobs are hanging free), plus knickers, garter belt, stockings and heels.

Mr. CC is stripped down to his Calvin Klein briefs (but still wears his shoes and socks).

They wade out into the river again splashing each other.

They lie in the water then come together in a clinch.

Mrs. CC sits astride Mr. CC.

The mind boggles when he requests an underwater kiss from Mrs. CC.

They kiss as she pushes him under the water!

He bubbles away expelling air from his lungs…….this was not a success!

Then Mrs. CC straddles him as he lies back in the water.

At 10-12, the horny Mr. CC slips her knickers off allowing some most intimate sex play.

Now Mrs. CC lies on her stomach in the water as she frots Mr. CC.

Their actions become more vigorous, then they decide to return to the shallows.


Yes, there is a 3rd Stream which is classed as XXX…….as there is only one way this movie will end!

Do checkout movie XXX053 (at the Downloads – Online Store, XXX Section) under ‘Sex play in the river after wet business suits), which does include Streams 1 and 2 reviewed above.


Image set W389 has 264 Enhanced (full Screen) shots of CC at play in the river in their suits.

This is a rather awesome image set following CC’s wet adventures in their river play.

Besides there being many fine wet shots of Custard Couple as a couple, there are also some delightful shots of Mrs. CC solo and at times very drenched!

Image set W389 is an exquisite record of a fabulous couple’s river shoot.

We show you 6 sample images from this set W389.



£7-10  GBP

$9-60 USD

Euro 8.20


Movie WSM228 – CC113 is only available as a Download.

Our price reflects incredible value!  To Purchase movie WSM228 – CC113 go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘WSM Movies and Images’ and find the movie titled “CC play in the river in their suits’.




SLAPSTICK – winner

Not often we show a 2 girl Slapstick movie but as these girls are Ava and Axajay, then this is something rather special!

As you should know, Axajay married Mr. Nasty and we see them team up again in this movie.



A HD Movie plus Image set


Ava and Axajay confront Mr. Nasty

Run-time 28 mins 26 secs


3 HD Streams plus 3 HD Sample Clips


Stream 1

We open with Ava waiting for Mr. Nasty to arrive.

Axajay enters and tells Ava she has the wrong day.

Axa tells Ava all the foodstuffs are for her…….not for Ava.

So Ava decides that if it is all for Axa then she will do what Mr. Nasty does, so she throws yogurt over Axa’s dress – see CLIP 1.


The girls have a set-to and struggle to mess up each other.

Ava ruins Axa’s make-up.

As they struggle, Ava says “She is a proper Mrs. Nasty!  I can see why he married you!”

Chocolate milk goes down each of their knickers.

Then Strawberry milk goes over their boobs and knickers plus inside their stockings and shoes.

They decide to wait until Mr. Nasty arrives and then take their revenge on him.

Next, custard goes over Ava’s dress but she prefers custard on bare skin.

Ava’s dress is removed and we get a good viewing of her very ample boobs.

Axa spreads the custard over her boobs, then her bum.

Axa’s application of the custard is now much more sensuous.

Stream 2

Ava removes Axa’s dress.

She applies custard to Axa’s boobs then inside her knickers, followed by her back and bum.

Custard goes inside Ava’s  knickers and over her bum.

Axa follows on by pouring the custard down Ava’s front.

Then Axa puts custard in Ava’s hair as their bodies rub together.

Ava pours custard over Axa’s head – see CLIP 2.


They become far more friendly and sensuous together.

Axa licks Ava’s boobs, while Ava directs custard down Axa’s back and bum.

They rub together and Ava’s hand is in Axa’s pants!

Ava starts to quiz Axa while she is off-guard.

Ava wonders why Mr. Nasty works with other girls.

She discovers that it is no accident that she turned up and Axa was waiting!

Their erotic caressing games continue as they experiment with the custard pouring.

“You have arranged this”, says Ava.

Axa confesses “I love getting a pretty girl naked and messy!”

Ava tells her she is quite enjoying it and will let Mr. & Mrs. Nasty off.

Axa tongues Ava’s boobs (yes, she is good at it!).

Ava reciprocates on Axa’s big nipples.

They kiss again, this time under some dripping custard.

Axa massages the custard inside Ava’s knickers and again they kiss!

Ava applies yet more custard to Axa’s boobs.

Stream 3

Mr. Nasty walks in to find the two girls in a messy embrace!

He complains that they have started without him.

“You should not have been so long”, says Ava.

“I knew”, says Mr. Nasty, “that you would both like each other!”

“We might just forget that you are here”, says Ava.

Mr. Nasty tells them to carry on but that he would direct them.

Axa ignores his instruction and smears custard on him.

Both girls join in messing up Mr. Nasty – see CLIP 3.

Ava complains that he got her there under false pretences.

Soon Mrs. Nasty (Axa) is groping down his trousers and they are putting custard down his back.

So the custard ends and they move on to the yogurts.

The girls take his top off and rub yogurt into him.

They enjoy messing up Mr. Nasty even putting the yogurt down the back of his trousers.

Soon Mr. Nasty is down to his shorts.

He gets in the middle of both girls to make a sandwich!

Mr. Nasty enjoys this as he is now facing Ava.

Axa and Mr. Nasty rub bums together!

Mr. Nasty gets into the action by pouring yogurt over both girls.

Then a real treat as both girls face the wall projecting their bums and ask Mr. Nasty to smear their bums with yogurt (see sample shot 6).

What a picture that makes!  Mr. Nasty tells us that he is the envy of everyone in the world!

He rubs the final yogurt into their bums.

Is that the end?

Well it is the end of this movie, but the action continues in movie XXX069 and then becomes far more steamy!

And would you believe that with all new material, movie XXX069 runs for a further 38 minutes!


MOVIE WSM257  has 3 HD Streams running 28 mins 26 secs


IMAGE SET S462 has 143 Enhanced (full screen) shots.

Shot with 35mm this is a glorious record of the Slapstick encounter between Ava and Axajay, before Mr. Nasty gets sucked into the messiness!

Great Slapstick action with 2 very sexy and experienced models!

We show you 6 sample images from this set S462.



£7-50  GBP

$10-10 USD

Euro 8-60



Movie WSM257 is only available as a Download.

To Purchase go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ Section and find movie WSM257 which is listed as:

 Ava & Axajay confront Mr. Nasty’.




MUDDY FUN – winner

A  21 minute HD movie WSM209 from a rather chubby Dee who has a novel way of getting fit!

Dee – Goalie Fitness Practice

HD Movie plus Image set


Movie WSM209

Run-time 20 mins 49 secs


2 Sample Clips in HD and 2 Streams in HD


This is a unique movie shot in Sept 2015 when Dee weighed 11 stone!

As she prides herself on her fitness this was a major wake-up call!

Definitely a one-off Dee shoot!

Now in April 2019 Dee weighs 7 stone 12 lbs.

Dee loves getting Wet and Messy!

But what to do when she requested a shoot as she looked and was overweight?

It was Dee who suggested a muddy shoot probably as a way of masking her weight gain.

But when you arrive for a muddy shoot like this, the model and her feelings and expressions dictate things.  Fortunately for us all this is one crazy, lively, vibrant performance!

You will not see many shoots like this!


Stream 1 runs 9 mins 55 secs

After a brief scene appraisal Dee introduces the movie.

Dee chats to us throughout.

She tries to move around in the thick, black mud but the mud clings to her legs and feet as she attempts to paddle about.

“Nice and muddy getting me fit”, she says.

At 3 mins 27 secs she kneels in the mud.

Even worse, for at 3-56 Dee falls back into the mud.

Dee wants to be “Covered head to toe in lovely mud – it will make me nice and fit!”

Dee really does have a thing for mud as she continues to daub herself saying it is “Making me feel so much better”.

She continues to play about in the muddy stream and says “Back to the mud – getting my fitness back again!”

At 7-32 she scoops the muddy water up and then applies mud to her face – see CLIP 1.


At 8-10 she dives in face first!

Dee complains about the cold, but not the mud!

At 8-46 a 2nd facial dive.

At 9-42 Dee rubs mud over her face – “a nice wash in natural mud”.


Stream 2 runs 10 mins 54 secs

At 00-34 Dee dives forward taking another muddy facial.

“Oh dear!  I fell in the mud”, she says.

Dee is now a total mud-bathed woman!

At 1-36 she sticks her head into the muddy stream.

At 2-25 she crawls to the edge of the bank and puts her head in the mud!

“Nice and refreshing”, she says before taking another muddy face plunge.

She continues to splash her face with mud then she kneels in the muddy stream and takes another forward muddy facial.

At 4-15 she sits on the bank and does exercises.

This is a lady who has no fear of the cold or the mud.

Next, at 4-45 she removes her top and then muddies up her boobs.

At 5-45 she takes a full muddy facial.

Then kneeling in the water she spreads mud over her boobs before diving in for a further muddy facial – see CLIP 2.


There is boldness, audacity and no fear as Dee just strives to get drenched and muddy.

At 7-15 Dee lies on the bank on her stomach for yet another muddy facial by dipping her head into the stream.  Wow!  What a mud woman!

At 7-32 she removes her shorts.

She rolls in the muddy water, then she rolls on the bank with explicit poses.

At 10-03 she lies on some green embankment grass for some more saucy revealing muddied poses.


This has been a hugely vibrant performance.

What a mudbath Dee takes!  It is unrestrained action!

You will not see many shoots like this!

Probably one of the most crazy shoots I have ever made!


What can be said about image set M226 accompanying this movie.

It was shot on 35mm and a gross total of 533 shots has been reduced to the published 315 shots.

It is just a remarkable portfolio of shots.

Seemingly a little reticent at first, the more the movie progresses the more carefree and unrestrained Dee’s pics are.

We show you 6 sample shots from the action (as Dee is never still).

Some unbelievable pics here!


£8-10  GBP

$10-90 USD

Euro 9.30


Movie WSM209 plus image set M226 are only available as a Download.

To Purchase go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘WSM Movies & Images Section” and find movie WSM209 which is listed as:

 ‘Dee – Goalie Fitness Practice’.




Do WSM commission movies with Custard Couple (CC)?

No.  Movie XXX075 was a CC custom shoot, shot by CC following the client’s instructions.

So all WSM receive is movie footage for editing and in this case there were no images provided.

But this movie probably has a hidden message with the word ‘Pink’.

So it is not her Master (Mr. CC) running this show, but the mess craving Mrs. CC.

You see it is the Pinky i.e. Mrs. CC who determines both the Mess and what happens next!

This is well illustrated at the openings of Streams 2 and 4 (see write-up details below).

So it is no surprise who has the first orgasm!

It is only in a full messy condition that Mrs. CC is comfortable to be fucked and suck cock!

There are three pissy excerpts from this movie that run just on 7 minutes. Do note that all 3 scenes have been omitted from movie XXX075 but will feature in movie XXX082 Pissy Quickies 3  which is due to be published later in 2020 (but do continue to check our forward schedule under www.wsmprod.com ‘What’s New,’ final item on the weekly update, being ‘Future Programme.’)

Watch and wonder as we are privileged to see this sexy amateur duo in great role play messy sex!

We will let you make your mind up – was Mrs. CC humiliated as a submissive, or did she really enjoy it and contrive situations to get herself totally messy?



A Download HD Movie plus Image set


‘Mrs. CC – Messy Humiliation in Pink’

Run-time 46 mins 46 secs


4 HD Streams plus 4 HD Sample Clips


Stream 1  runs 8 mins 59 secs

Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) shows off her “gorgeous underwear” with full size pink panties which she cannot wait to get filled with mess.

She highlights her “beautiful bra” telling us that when her blouse goes see thru, the “lovely pink pattern of the bra will come through”.

But you will not see it for long, as she tells us she “intends to get so messy – in her hair, everything is going to be trashed……just as my Master likes it.  Totally, utterly trashed!!”

She then shows us her special stockings.

Her Master tells her he has some Ice Cream with which to indulge herself.

Mrs. CC smears then pours it down herself – see CLIP 1.


She shows him the results of the Ice Cream mess.

Her nipples show and her messy sight makes the Master horny.

She picks up a baggy pair of thin net knickers.

As this is a custom shoot, she has to wear those knickers on her head for part of the shoot.

She has a Black Forest Gateau – she scrounges it and mixes it.

Lifting her skirt and sitting on the kitchen top, she says she is going to put it “right down my knickers!”

She fills up her panties with the chocolate gateau, both front and back.

She sits back down and squidgees the mess all around her knickers.

She shows off the results and pulls her knickers into a tight wedgie on her arse.

Her Master very much approves as she sticks a finger into her knickers to arouse herself, finishing by sucking her fingers.

“This has got me in the mood for a lot more mess!” she says.

“I just want to get completely, utterly sploshed up!  Completely!”

I am sure we would all say ‘Bring it on!’


Stream 2 runs 9 mins 13 secs

Mrs. CC, still with the net panties on her head, lets her Master know what she is expecting!

“Now I can start to get really fucking messy”, she says.

“I want my head dunked!

And I want to be covered head to toe!

And you know what I want first?

Cover me with that great big container of milk, which will be freezing cold!!

Then I want you to put the freezing cold bowl of custard over these luscious panties” (as she feels the panties that are over her face and head).

“Then I want you to rip this blouse open! 

Then I want you to throw me on the floor then get that other bowl of chocolate, moussey custard and head dunk me in it!”

Her Master is only too delighted to follow her list of cold, humiliating products.

The cold milk has Mrs. CC gasping!

She shows us her chocolate gateau filled knickers!

The cold custard goes over her head and face and she struggles to breathe!

Her Master lifts the knickers from her face so he can cover her face with the custard.

He calls her ‘A disgusting Mess!’

She gets the 2nd bowl of custard.

Standing, she pours it over her head and down her front.

“Look at this lovely mess”, she says.  “It’s luscious!”

She removes the panties from the back of her head, then sucks and licks them!

Her Master rips her blouse open and exposes her tits! – see CLIP 2.



Stream 3 runs 14 mins 39 secs

The messiness continues as Mrs. CC says “I’m going to get this nice big chocolate bowl and spread it all over me!

She lifts her skirt and sits in the bowl of chocolate Angel Delight.

She rubs the chocolate on her knickers and bum and down the back and front of her knickers.

She then puts the 2nd pair of chocolate messed knickers on, pouring the remainder of the bowl over her bum, then she pulls the double knickers tight.

Next Mrs. CC goes for a trifle.

She puts the trifle inside both pairs of knicker fronts saying “let’s just get messier.”

Her Master murmurs approvingly as she has both her pairs of panties filled.

Having taken off her 2nd pair of knickers, she puts them into a large container of battermix.

She shows off her well filled knickers.

Next, she brings a tub of butterscotch Angel Delight and plunges her head into the tub.

Her Master tells her ‘Get your filthy head right down in it!’

Mrs. CC head dunks 3 times in the butterscotch then rubs it over her body.

She pours the rest of the tub over her head so she is completely messed up.

She rubs her face into the mess covered floor – see CLIP 3!


Then she writhes in the mess on the floor.

“All the mess makes me feel so fucking horny”, she says.

It is all proving too much for Mrs. CC and she starts to frig herself.

Her Master tells her to ‘Stroke that fucking hard pussy!’

Mrs. CC is now fully aroused and determined to give herself a good frigging then cum for her Master.

He calls her ‘A fucking MILF whore!’

She rams her fingers in her pussy and cums!

She slowly readjusts to her totally messy state then starts to slop more mess over herself while sat on the floor.

She lies back caressing the mess over herself.

Then she removes the 2nd pair of knickers from the battermix and rubs them over her pussy.

‘Stick them up your cunt’ says her Master!

Rubbing them firmly into her pussy she tries to cum again!

She has put the 2nd pair of panties inside her knickers on her pussy.

She continues to frig herself and pleasures herself further slopping yet more mess over her soppy knickers.

She removes the 2nd pair of knickers and sucks them before putting them back in the battermix.


Stream 4 runs 13 mins 55 secs

Mrs. CC states that she thinks she is “one very messy, messy lady!”

Once again she defines her next objectives:

“Lots and lots of head dunking!

Loads of it for my Master!

My Master loves it when I’m all messy and choking and gagging in all this lovely mess on the floor!

You should come and fuck me while I’ve got my head in these nice full bowls!”

(The bowls have rice pudding and battermix.)

Mrs. CC wants to be “gagging in it!”

The Master tells her he is going to fuck her, then he enters and dunks her head in the bowl of rice pudding – see CLIP 4!


Mr. CC enjoys himself messing her face and head with the rice pudding.

‘Get right in bitch!’ he says.

He gives her 3 face/head dunks before pouring the rice pudding bowl over her head.

Mrs. CC enjoyed that and now proceeds to rip her stockings!

The Master re-enters and tips the remainder of the rice pudding over her head and body.

He orders her to get on all fours.

He tells her to put the panties from the battermix bowl over her head and face.

Once more he re-enters and pushes her head into the battermix bowl.

He lifts her skirt and then his cock is out.

Soon he has entered her and shags away.

Her Master gathers slops off the floor and rubs them over her back.

He removes her bra and pours the battermix over her head and back as he cums into her.

The Master demands that she suck his dick!

After the cock sucking ends, Mrs. CC rubs her hair in the mess on the floor.

‘Get your head right fucking in it’, demands the Master.

Mrs. CC kneels up gasping for air.

Then it is back in the mess until her buttermix covered hair completely covers her face.

‘Look at the fucking state of you’, her Master says.

“Master, am I messy enough for you?” asks Mrs.CC.

“Master, I am covered!”

Mrs. CC has endured one of the sploshings of her life!

She removes her skirt, then her blouse and bra.

All her clothes have been totally gunged up.

She is pleased her large pink panties held up well and withstood the food assault, yet still look good!


As no images were provided we have taken out a set of 84 shots as set S473XXX.

All images have been enhanced (to full screen).

Some fantastic sploshy and sexy action!

What a horny pair CC are!

But there is no doubt that Mrs. CC leads the way as she seems insatiable for mess and sex play.

As with video grabs the quality is very variable.

But there are some memorable images from this lengthy shoot.

We show 5 sample shots from image set S473XXX.



£8-60  GBP

$11-60 USD

Euro 9-90


Movie XXX075 as a XXX movie is only available as a 47 minute Download.

To purchase and download HD movie XXX075 plus the images, go to https://wsmprod.com, then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘XXX Section,’ where it is listed as “Mrs.CC – Messy Humiliation in Pink.’’








17th Jan Brand new movie WSM218 has Dee in a black pleated dress, enjoying playing with various chocolate products, so she finishes rather messy!

  Plus over 200 messy images in set S412.


24th Jan A timely movie as we look again at CC’s 22 min movie XXX063 ‘Banish the winter blues – get Messy!’  Plus 86 enhanced images in set S450XXX.


31st Jan A 2nd brand new movie for January.  Our longest running series is Mrs. CC as ‘The Mud Slut’.  Here we have Mud Slut 13 with a muddy afternoon outdoors with Mrs. CC.  And does she get herself off in her personal mud pit?  You betcha!  Movie CC146 is 23 mins approx plus approx 120 images in set M236.


7th Feb The 79th Download movie is released to the Subscription site.  The title says it all ‘Instant Wet’ as in movie CC120, which runs 21 minutes, there are 3 different instant wet soakings for Mrs. CC along with their images.


14th Feb To celebrate Valentines Day we look again at movie CC63 plus image set S369 to see how Mrs. CC fared with her lover, as she gets rather foamy in her red outfit


21st Feb Another new movie as Dee in a sleeveless summery dress gets sploshed-up with chopped tomatoes.  Plus approx 150 images in set S405.


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