11th May 2018

WHAT’S NEW as at 11th May 2018

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017.

Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) continues her household chores with Painting.

She has little intention of painting the wall preferring to paint herself.

Movie CC61 is re-posted after 2 years on the Download site to the Subscription site as well, plus 73 enhanced (full screen) images in set W364.

For Wetlook, we take a further look how Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) fared in Wet Quiz 1, movie WSM138/CC36 running 19 mins, plus 130 images in set W320.


Also in this Update:

Two movies and image sets of the smoldering beauty Mia are available either as Downloads or as part of the Subscription site.

Sultry brunette Mia enchants us all with movie WSM075 with golden syrup, topped off with sprinkles.

Plus in movie WSM077 she is under the shower in a short sleeve top, mini skirt and blue undies.

Take your pick – Messy or Wet but each with a stunning low price!

Do note that all updates this week are available on the Subscription site.


WSM now have 273 movies and 443 image sets available for the price of a Subscription!

What a back catalog that is!

But no need to pick just one or two as they are ALL available for the cost of a Subscription.


SEE ALSO THE WSM ONLINE STORE  (no membership required)

Click on movie and page down for full description and sample images, for
PLUS 86 New ‘WSM Movies & Images’ with 1/3rd available on the Subscription site too.

PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads
and XXX section with 70 MOVIES with Images, only available as Downloads.



We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGES regularly




This is the 30th movie to be re-posted from the DOWNLOAD site to our SUBSCRIPTION site.

It has taken two years, but now you can now see this movie at no extra cost, if you are a member of our Subscription site.

HD movie CC61 runs 23 minutes with mature lady Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) painting herself! In addition there are 73 Enhanced (full screen) images of the action, set S364.


‘Mrs. CC Household Chores part 4 – Painting’

 000 (1)

Movie CC61

Run-time 22 mins 59 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips – choose WMV or MP4 formats


This is the 4th in a series with Mrs. CC performing household chores.

Firstly, we saw Mrs. CC in movie CC52 in the kitchen ‘Baking’ plus image set S361.

Next we had ‘Bathroom Cleaning’ in movie CC57 plus image set S362.

Thirdly, we saw Mrs. CC ‘Washing the Floor’ in movie CC59 plus image set W344.

You can view these 3 tasks with their movie Clips at Subscription Movies, Custard Couple.

In this new movie CC61, Mrs. CC is dressed in a filmy sleeveless top and coloured bra, tight white shorts plus sheer tights and white knickers.

Her paint is in a roller tray plus a small roller and additional plastic bottles of children’s paints.

Mrs. CC tries out various colours on the wall.

Then she tries them on her skin (her arm).

Soon she is picking up the paint with her fingers, then misbehaving by putting hand prints on her bum and mid-riff.

She experiments with red paint on her lips, then kissing the wall.

She goes back to painting the wall, but soon reverts to painting herself.

She sits on the floor and does her legs.

Soon there is paint on her tight white shorts – see CLIP 1.

Paint goes down the back of her top and a small amount on her hair.

Mr. CC enters.  ‘I think we need to make much more of a mess of you Mrs. CC,’ he says.

So he dribbles paint over the front of her top.

She turns round and kneels for him to do her back and bum.

As Mr. CC continues Mrs. CC asks ‘Who are we painting, the wall or me?’

I am sure we all know the answer as Mr. CC prefers to paint his wife so she becomes multi-coloured.

She is well covered and exclaims ‘It’s like having a bath in paint!’


Stream 2 commences with Mr. CC continuing to drip paint.

Mrs. CC undoes the front of her shorts as he aims for the new target.

Rolling up her top, Mr. CC adds paint in her cleavage.

Lying on her side on the floor Mrs. CC tells us that she is ‘A slimy, painty mess!’

Lying on her tummy she squirms in the paint mess.

Then, kneeling with her bum, to the camera, Mr. CC dribbles more paint directly on her bum.

After Mr. CC commences the final bottle of purple paint, she removes her shorts and lowers her tights.

Mr. CC enjoys applying the purple paint to her knickers.

She lifts the top, applying the paint over her body and caressing herself with ‘the lovely squidgy paint!’

Then her top is off, followed shortly by her bra.

We get a good close-up as she rubs paint on her boobs.

Mrs. CC continues to slide about on the floor getting herself messier.

She empties yellow paint, then red paint over her boobs – see CLIP 2.


Soon her knickers are off.

She lies on her back with her legs raised, spreading the paint over her body and crotch.

‘I think I have turned into one giant paintbrush’ she says.

Mr. CC returns as his naughty wife splays her legs for him.

He gets the roller then puts white paint over her boobs, stomach and thighs!

As she kneels up, he pours the rest of the paint tray (white paint) down her back.

He rubs the white paint into her back and all over her body.

We conclude with a fantastic bum shot as Mr. CC paints her bum crack!

And does the action end there?

Well for us, it must.

But there is a 6 minute XXX scene.

This will appear eventually under ‘Sex Quickies’ movie XXX050, which will contain several short XXX scenes.  This short scene will have a CC61 reference.


And the most vivid memory of this shoot?  It is the colours and in the HD movie they are terrific!

What amazes is that with such a small number of children’s play paints, there is so much colourful fun to be had.

In addition there are 73 image shots in set S364 as Mrs. CC gets painted.

To see the true image size always go to the ‘What’s New’ header at www.wsmprod.com website.

Most Forums, because of file size restrictions, show inferior sized images.

We show you 5 sample pics from image set S364.



MOVIE CC61 of Mrs. CC in her ‘Household Chores part 4 – Painting’ has 2 HD Streams running 22 mins 59 secs.



£5-80  GBP

$8-70 USD

Euro 7-50


To Purchase movie CC61 go to ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then to ‘WSM Movies & Images Section’ and find “Mrs. CC Household Chores part 4 – Painting”.




Where do you find Mrs. CC’s movie CC61 and image set S364 on the Subscription site?

For movie go to ‘Subscription Movies’, then ‘Custard Couple’ and find CC61 under the numerical listing.

For Images, go to ‘Subscription Images’, then ‘Slapstick’ and find S364 in the numerical listing.


But this is only one movie and one image set from our Subscription section which has 273 Movies and 443 Image sets all available just for the price of a subscription!

How much?





In 1994 WSM published the 1st Slapstick Quiz (see Vintage Film 7 Stream 7 ‘Plastermind’ with 5 girls, running 5 minutes).

Since then, there have been countless further Slapstick sketches made by many producers.

But by April 2013 I had not seen a serious Wet Quiz!

So WSM published our 1st Wet Quiz in both Movie WSM138/CC36 and Image set W320.

And besides water, the main ingredient is FUN.

All our small team played their part:

Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) as the contestant.

Mr. CC and the Phantom on cameras, then as water chuckers.

Film editor Steve capturing the action as HD movie, then editing and including some great visual and musical jingle effects.

And the busiest man…..me (Mike Ellison) on 35mm, producing and directing plus writing the questions and acting as MC.

And the result?  Great Wetlook and great comedy!

And the performance of Mrs. CC?

Absolutely abysmal……with only 3 correct answers from 10 questions on her specialist subject!

Mr. CC was so enraged that he brought us to a very amusing and spontaneous ending!

Images and movie Clips in no way do this justice….you need to see the 19 minute Movie!

We show you 2 Clips from Movie WSM138/CC36  as Mrs. CC receives two of her soakings!



Image set W320 has 130 images capturing Mrs. CC’s performance.

Do you approve of her clothing choice?

If not…..then what should she wear?

Mrs.CC may be invited back for a ‘re-sit’.

But it all depends on your response!

So to help you make up your mind, here are 5 sample shots from the Quiz Show.

So what happened? 

Yes, she was invited back.

Movie WSM164 of Wet Quiz 2 was shot November 2013, and we will review that again next week.






MIA with golden syrup topped off with sprinkles


Run-time 25 mins 50 secs


4 Sample Clips and 4 Streams – Messy

Now and again you make a movie and do not fully appreciate what you have got.

So it was with Movie WSM075 of MIA shot in 2009.

This is a 26 minute Movie of a sultry, well rounded model with a stunning figure.

Using her own very colourful sleeveless dress, normal everyday black flat shoes, seamed hold-up mesh stockings, white hi-leg knickers plus a white mini slip, Mia slicks herself and the clothes with the golden syrup.

Her knickers end transparent with a teasing cameltoe!

She continues until she is “completely covered now”.

But enjoying the experience she pours more syrup over her long brunette hair.

Eventually, Mia strips naked before rounding off a teasing, erotic and enjoyable shoot with a liberal coating of sprinkles over her nude body front, including her face!

We show you 4 Clips from movie WSM075.



Supporting her movie WSM075, we have Image set S258 of MIA with 112 images.

This is probably one of the most under-estimated sets in the WSM collection.

So we took the opportunity to upgrade this set by enhancing it to full screen.

Is Mia sultry, bewitching or what!!

If you like sleek, glossy women then hallelujah, she has arrived!

Add some sugar sprinkles to her stunning naked body……and she looks even tastier!

You do not believe me?

Then feast your eyes on these 5 sample shots!



£4-20 GBP
$6-70 USD
Euro 5-60

To Purchase go to wsmprod.com Home Page and select ‘Downloads – Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section, and at the start find “MIA with golden syrup topped off with sprinkles”, movie WSM075.


But, if you are a Member, then do not purchase this movie as it is found under the Subscription site.


To join the Subscription website with access to 273 movies and 443 image sets, see cost below:







MIA gets Wet
000 (3)


Run-time 23 mins 07 secs


4 Sample Clips and 4 Streams – Wetlook

Brunette MIA is a stunner as she goes under the shower dressed in:

A multi-coloured summer dress (which becomes semi-transparent when wet).

Black fishnet stockings worn with black suspenders

Pink bra and panties

Suede heeled ankle booties

In this 23 minute Movie WSM077 Mia is constantly active.

A very classy performer!

Mia, a voluptuous girl from South Yorkshire really brightens our day in this wet scene.

Her pretty dress and outfit remind us of a warm summer day.

Add in a drenching……if only every summer’s day was like this!

You will love the look of the water on her natural olive skin.

Check out our 4 sample Clips from Movie WSM077 here.



We have already published an Image set of MIA enjoying her clothed shower and strip.

This is set W286 with 81 shots.

This is a most under-rated wet set with MIA providing some outstanding wetlook.

We have taken the opportunity to upgrade this set by enhancing it to full screen.

We show 5 sample shots from this wet Image set W286.

Perfection or what?


£4-00 GBP
$6-40 USD
Euro 5-30

To Purchase go to wsmprod.com Home Page and select ‘Downloads – Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section, and at the start find “MIA gets Wet, movie WSM077.


But, if you are a Member, then do not purchase this movie as it is found under the Subscription site.


To join the Subscription website with access to 273 movies and 443 image sets, see cost below:


We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £ Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.

The Subscription site does not include access to new movie/images Downloads in the Online Store, which we have added during the last two years, or any XXX movies.

Since April 2017, Movies and Image sets added to the WSM Online Store under ‘WSM Movies & Images’ are added also to the Subscription site, 2 years after being posted as a Download. 

Look at the JOIN NOW page to see our great value for 30 day, 3 month and 6 monthly Subscriptions as for a Subscription you can access:

273 Movies averaging 30 minutes each, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies and 70 Custard Couple Movies, (which include 24 joint productions with WSM),

15 vintage movies and 170 normal WSM movies (excluding 24 duplicated joint production movies with Custard Couple).

PLUS 45,850 Images in 443 sets (being 160 W + 202 S + 81 M).

But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.

Click here to see the new better value Join costs!



WSM congratulate Messmaster from UMD.net on 20 years in developing his website to the industry bible that it is today.  Very pleasing to see him so proactive to develop a fellowship by having a specific birthday venue in Las Vegas for members.

WSM salute Messmaster.




18th May Dee is the muddy English lady enjoying the black, silty, peaty, oily mud in new 17 min movie WSM229 plus image set M229.


25th May We refer to 35 minute HD movie with Custard Couple WSM167 - CC54 titled ‘WSM Master Chef’.  Previously this shoot only had 2 images!  This has now been fixed as image set S357 will have a minimum of 100 shots.


1st June Mr. Nasty pushes his luck too far and is unmasked by Axajay in Slapstick HD movie WSM217 which runs 44 minutes plus 179 pics in set S419.

This becomes the 31st movie with images now re-posted to the Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.


8th Jun Mud Slut 7 as Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) continues her muddy fun this time in tight jeans in 21 minute Movie CC104 plus 94 shots in image set M228.

 This movie and image set is re-posted to the Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.


15th Jun Can it really be 2 years since Honour May made her debut for WSM?

 We see her 1st published movie with very messy chocolate, being 24 minute HD movie WSM223 plus 200 fabulous enhanced images in set S420, as this movie and image set are now added to the Subscription site.


22nd Jun New movie CC127 ‘Muddy lost dog’ as Mrs. CC chases after her dog into a muddy pond area.  Plus over 100 pics in image set M237.

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