13th July 2024

WHAT’S NEW as at 13th July 2024

Now in our 43rd Year of continuous WAM Production

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


‘Lest we Forget!’

Last year I signed off after 10 years of Tributes to the man known as ‘Mr. Splosh’ being that UK WAM legend BILL SHIPTON.

But unlike Bill who departed this world at the age of 57, I have been spared to continue.

So today we take another but different look at Bill Shipton’s life, as we attempt to throw some new light on his character.

Below we have our TRIBUTE to Bill Shipton after 11 years.


After 2 years as a Download only, we add another movie to our Standard Subscription site (see below).

HD movie CC128 running 15 minutes continues our longest speciality sequences, with Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) in ‘Mud Slut 16’ – Muddy Swamp.

With an unbelievable 281 image shots in set M239 this is a muddy delight.

With so many shots in this image set, do look-out for the 7 sample shots (see below).



We have 3 Subscription packages which allow Streaming & Downloading.

These are:

 STANDARD  SUBSCRIPTION (continues our original Subscription).

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘Movies’ and ‘Images’.

This site now has 424 Movies (being 171 SD and 253 HD) plus 588 image sets being 215W, 269S and 104M.

Removing the duplication of 41 movies over the CC and Wet, Slapstick and Messy movies leaves 383 movies.

The number of images for these 588 image sets totals 65,680.

We detail the breakdown of these movies: Total  SD 

Messy Wrestling     18 


Custard Couple     131 

Wet, Slapstick and Messy    260           130          

Vintage        15  15


Custard Couple sets shot in association with WSM have 41 duplicated movies appearing both under Custard Couple and Wet, Slapstick and Messy.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices for a monthly subscription are:

These are £30 GBP or $42 USD or 40 Euro



This covers the WSM XXX movies only.

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘XXX’.  Click on any image to bring up the write-up, clips and sample images.

Although we have produced 104 XXX movies there are 11 movies ‘time barred’ (under our 2 Year Rule) and a further 8 movies covering Watersports that are not included.

There are 86 movies published on the Gold Subscription site.

These are the following movies currently time barred under our 2 Year Rule and so excluded from the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 050, 076, 095, 098, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105 and 106 (10 in total).

For the Watersports/Pissy the following movies are not included in the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 010, 039, 046, 056, 062, 072, 082, 092 (8 in total).

Of course all these 18 excluded movies are available as Downloads on our website at https://wsmprod.com at ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then ‘XXX Section.’

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

 Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Gold Subscription package of 86 movies is:

£35 GBP or $49 USD or 47 Euro



Which is as the name implies being STANDARD plus GOLD Movies and Images.

This is one of the best WAM value sites on the net with 510 movies gross and 469 allowing for the Custard Couple 41 duplicated movies.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Dual Subscription package of 469 movies is:

£59 GBP or $83 USD or 79 Euro


SUBSCRIPTIONS limitation and Advice

Since April 2017 we commenced a policy that our new Download movies transferred to the (Standard) Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.

We confirm that this policy continues and includes XXX movies.


Some people have complained that the monthly subscription is recurring.

This has nothing to do with WSM as the subscription contract is between you and our payment processor.

But there is an easy way to avoid such a surprise, that is by cancelling your subscription as soon as you have taken it.  That way you have all your details to hand…..and you will still get your 30 day subscription.



Our WSM Download UMD STORE continues and there are currently 194 MOVIES and IMAGE sets which offer a remarkable range of shoots from our movie infancy in 1985 to the present.

For our next addition, we have a short Wetlook movie CC67.

This is a visit by that nice lady window cleaner (Mrs. Custard Couple).

As she multi-tasks, she has to wash the windows (and herself) dressed in her office suit!

But our UMD Store will shortly spring properly into action………as we have taken steps to safeguard our future.




CC commenced their own UMD Download Store and since September 2023 have uploaded 103 movies covering W, S and M.

They offer great value and variety.

You really must see the CC Download Store for mature couple WAM, as no-one does it better!

Having recently reached number 1 in the UMD Download Stores list, the reality is, and always was, that CC are the best Slapstick Couple in the world!

Go to https://custard-couple.umd.net



It was a huge shock to the WAM community when Bill Shipton of Splosh fame suddenly passed away on 5th July 2013 at the age of 57.


Tony Murray was a work colleague of Bill at Mayfair magazine and his eloquent obituary did appear on UMD on July 12, 2013.

Here are some edited comments of his about Bill to show the wider aspect of his writing skills.

“Very sad news that my old friend Clive Harris has died.

Known to the world as “Bill Shipton” – a nom de plume (or nob de plume as he would almost inevitably have termed it), he adopted partly to spare his parents’ blushes and partly just because he enjoyed assuming other identities.


It was at Mayfair magazine that he first hit on the idea of launching Splosh! (variously Splush and Splash before he settled on the final title.)

It was the Splosh magazine and its various video/event/photoset spin-offs that dominated the last quarter century of his life. Although he claimed never to be an enthusiast for all things messy in the way that his many readers were, most of us had our doubts, but never pushed him too far on the subject.  Despite his very public showman persona, he could be quite a private man.


Despite his long association with Splosh, it was comedy writing that was his true love. I suspect that it was this element of sploshing – surely the most comedic of fetishes – that actually appealed to him.

He was extremely proud of the sketches sold to ‘The Two Ronnies’ and the two (I think) humour books he had published in the 80’s”.


Editor – now one thing missed to date in our annual WSM Bill Shipton tributes has been the publication of Bill’s sketch that appeared in The Two Ronnies TV series 1971-1987.

Under the writing credits we have Clive Harris (1 episode 1986) which appears to be 3.7.

Within the short write-up it states “there is a problem at the pub”, which gives little indication of the silliness and far-fetched notion he came up with…… (yet it could just happen!)

So sit back and enjoy almost 4 minutes of classic Bill Shipton humour as we visit You Tube.

We are visiting the work of a comedy scriptwriter, so listen in and ignore the shocking picture quality.



Continuing with Tony Murray’s tribute:

“Clive (Bill) made an impression on everyone who knew him.

His unconventional looks, on/off showman personality and his genuine wit and humour made him impossible to ignore.

He had a very competitive wit, hating to be out-ad-libbed by anyone and, in truth, he seldom was.


As we talked of his health scares, we even – little knowing its imminence – joked about his epitaph and immediately agreed on one. 

It’s cheeky, a bit corny, but memorable never the less – the perfect farewell for Mr. Harris/Shipton.”


“Clive Harris


Messed in Peace”


Thank you Tony Murray for your heartfelt comments about your good friend Clive/Bill.

A wonderful, impromptu piece of writing posted 12th July 2013.


WSM have fully appreciated Bill Shipton’s talents both as a writer and his participation in our Vintage Films (1987 to 2000).

We now add a double tribute taken from our Vintage Films to showcase what a talent Bill Shipton was!

Firstly, WSM  put together a FREE 9 minute Download Tribute so you can see the real Bill Shipton.

So, watch genius at work:



Secondly, Bill’s writing and comic skills were well apparent, so WSM signed him up as our script-writer and Bill produced the scripts for the WSM Vintage Films numbers 3 to 9.

In fact, it was better than that, as Bill was only too happy to show his versatility by taking a number of roles in the videos.  So Bill had real ‘hands-on’ experience in the 90’s.

Now we will surprise you!  Ever wondered about the quality and content of the WSM Vintage Films?

WSM now add a FREE  DOWNLOAD of our VINTAGE FILM 7 with the full Download of STREAM 7 featuring Bill hosting Plastermind with 5 girls (and questions and title dreamt up by Bill).

This runs 5 mins 37 secs



So a legend departed!

Few people had such a legacy to have been loved by all.


But the greatest sadness is that his work does not live on due to parental suppression.

This is a great warning for all WAM producers.

I have duly taken heed and ensured that the movies and images of WSM will live on.



Another solo mud shoot from Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) with her 16th Mud Slut movie CC128.

Not only a new movie, but a new location.

So Mrs. CC dresses up in a great outfit with black jacket, knee length white skirt, pale red blouse, black bra, knickers and garter belt plus nylons and black heels with ankle strap.

With a gradual strip as she discards her skirt, blouse and bra this is always interesting.

Add in a mammoth image set M239 and the muddy fun is perfectly delivered.



A  HD Movie plus Image set

‘Mrs. CC in Mud Slut 16 – Muddy Swamp’

Run-time 14 mins 43 secs


2 HD Sample Clips plus 2 HD Streams in mp4


Stream 1 runs 8 mins 01 secs

Mr. CC is absent from this shoot but Mrs. CC is determined to enjoy her muddy play.

She does chat along to us throughout the movie.

We admire her outfit and her pristine white skirt as she dabs two muddy hands on her bum.

We give you a fantastic Clip as a clean Mrs. CC falls backwards into the mud.

She rolls over and over before lying on her back kicking the mud.

Just listen to what she says – see CLIP 1.



She asks us “Who likes mud any better than me?  Not many!  I love it!”

She gets up to parade her muddied outfit.

Then she takes a forward dive into the mud.

She squirms about while telling us “This is a real lovely swamp!”

She flails about with those long, long legs.

She rubs the mud over her legs before squirming about further in the slicked-up mud.

She slops the mud over her front while kneeling.

She undoes then removes her jacket.

Now less restricted she takes another muddy rollabout.

Note some delicious gloopey mud sounds here at 04-37 onwards.

She hoists her skirt to splatter mud on her bum, then kneeling she slops up her front.

Another dive forward produces laughs from her.

Then she sets herself for a controlled dive into the mud (at 5-35).

Splat she goes!

She enjoys the wallow lying on her stomach.

Then she lies back to splay her legs before taking another muddy roll.

She finds her skirt restricting so she removes it.

She loses a shoe along the way and has to sit in the mud to refasten it.

A fine muddy vision as she arises from the mud and wrings out her wet and muddy skirt over herself.

She plods about deciding what next as her feet are sticking .

She plunges down and removes that misbehaving shoe.

Quishing her legs in the mud leads to her saying “Look how gorgeous it is to mess about in!”

And mess she does, with a final rollabout before she unbuttons and removes her blouse.


Stream 2 runs 6 mins 42 secs

Lying in a muddy pool clad in bra, knickers, garter belt and stockings (plus one shoe), Mrs. CC kneels up to splosh mud over her front.

She stands up and plods about to display herself.

Then another plunge into a muddy pool with more gloopey sounds as she writhes about – see CLIP 2.


Mrs. CC dips her face into the muddy pool before showing us the results.

She crawls about before finding firmer land.

She squirms in this area before rubbing mud over her body.

She sits to continue and gathers the mud between her legs.

She builds a mud pack over her legs then up her body to her bra and neck.

Mrs. CC tries to be fully mud covered except for her head.

Then she gets up for another walkabout.

Sitting on her ruined jacket she expresses her horniness with all that lovely mud.

But then a momentary realization as she is impeded by her bra.

The bra is removed followed by some mud slicking of her boobs.

But her left hand is already being urged to satisfy her urging clit.

She rubs lustily away before both hands are employed.

She becomes more frantic before bringing herself off to a very satisfying climax.

Then another plunge into a muddy pool before kneeling up to wish us goodbye.

Mr. CC may have missed out, but we certainly did not!


Image set M239 is one of the most remarkable image sets we have produced.

From a movie of less than 15 minutes 281 images gush forth.

So quite a remarkable mud image set.

As I indicated above, Mrs. CC did realize she had kept her bra on far too long.

So there is a bonus set after the movie end.

This is of 25 all topless shots of the muddied Mrs. CC.

So much to enjoy!

We show you 7 sample shots from image set M239.

MOVIE CC128 has 2 HD Streams running 14 mins 43 secs and is now available either as a Download or as part of our Standard Subscription site.


IMAGE SET M239 has 281 shots.



£7-40  GBP

$10-00 USD

Euro 8-50


To Purchase go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find movie CC128 listed under

‘Mrs. CC in Mud Slut 16 – Muddy Swamp’


If you are a member of the WSM Standard Subscription website, movie CC128 and image set M239 are available to you.

But this is only one movie and one image set from our Standard Subscription section which has 424 Movies and 588 Image sets all available just for the price of a Subscription!

How much?



Our next Update will now be on 27th July.

We have our final Dee movie at her normal weight.

Ironically this movie WSM248 is titled ‘Dee has a Slapstick audition!’

Plus image set S460.

Then we add another movie to our Standard Subscription site (after 2 years as a Download).

This is movie CC110 with Mrs. Custard Couple in ‘Car Wash 1’plus image set W305.

On 10th August we add another movie to our Standard Subscription site (after 2 years as a Download).

This is movie WSM258 and is titled ‘Dee syruped again!’

Plus image set S448.

We will also re-review our 36 minute Food 4 movie WSM059 featuring popular model Cate Harrington, plus image set S255 with 80 images

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