23rd April 2021

WHAT’S NEW as at 23rd April 2021

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

Now in our 40TH Year of continuous WAM Production

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


Life continues to return to normal in the UK with the Coronavirus continuing to subside.

All our shops have re-opened (but not our indoor cafes, pubs and restaurants).

Spring has arrived and better times should be ahead.


WSM have 334 Movies (being 167 SD and 167 HD) in our Subscription site.

In addition there are now 518 image sets (183 W + 241 S + 94 M).

To see our Subscription site go to our Home Page at https://www.wsmprod.com

There you can look at our ‘Subscription Movies’ with Clips and a listing of our ‘Subscription Images’.  Remember that what you see is what you can get.

And do not forget our many Downloads covering Wet, Slapstick, Muddy and XXX.

These Downloads are listed on our Home Page under ‘Downloads – Online Store’.



Three items:

  1. A new HD movie!

Movie WSM231 runs 20 minutes and is titled ‘Dee delights with Angel Delights’.

Using 3 flavours:  Raspberry, Butterscotch and Chocolate, Dee delights us all with her messiness.  In addition image set S425 has 127 images all being 35mm.


  1. We have been looking at some of our FOOD range of movies over the last few months.

But do they come any better than Ava in ‘Food 12’ HD movie WSM253?

There are also 314 Enhanced (full screen) shots in image set S457, featuring the long legged and big boobed Ava.

Our Food range of movies usually have big busted girls being non-stop food pelted!

And this is no exception! 


  1. We continue to look again at our Vintage Films and this week we reach Film 4 Stream 1.  This Stream is devoted to Wetlook and the major aspect is double Wetlook from 38DD Debbie.


SEE ALSO OUR DOWNLOADS – ONLINE STORE on Home Page-no membership required.

Click on movie and page down for full description and sample images, for
PLUS 124 New ‘WSM Movies & Images’ with 3/4ths available on the Subscription site.

PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads
and XXX section with 83 MOVIES with Images, only available as Downloads.


We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGE sets.

This has now awoken!

There are now 118 movies posted in our UMD Store

8 additions have been made in 2021

Next up is Vintage Film 7 Wheel of Misfortune Stream 2 featuring an outdoor mud wrestle match from Essex.  


Memberships of our Website extending for up to 6 months are available.

We now have 334 Movies (including 104 CC) plus 518 Image sets for instant access.

Some bargain that!





Mature model Dee dressed in orange full dress with tights, knickers and heels enjoys messy play with 3 flavours of Angel Delight : Raspberry, Butterscotch then Chocolate.

Shot in June 2016 at Yorkshire Studios, Dee is seen in her mature splendor weighing in at 10 stone approximately.  But by the end of 2018 she had lost almost 3 stone of weight.

Commencing fully clothed, Dee strips down to end as a very messy nude!



A brand new Download HD Movie plus Image set


‘Dee delights with Angel Delights’

Run-time 20 mins 14 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips in MP4 format


Stream 1 runs 9 mins 16 secs

Dee tells us she has previously done a shoot with Chocolate Angel Delight for WSM.

She was referring to movie WSM064 and image set S236 shot in December 2008.

You can see both that movie and image set on our Subscription site.

This shoot there are 3 different flavours of Angel Delight.

She commences with Raspberry which she spreads over her orange dress and black pantyhose, turning her dress pink  – see CLIP 1.

She sits on the plinth to slaver her legs with the Angel Delight.

She spreads the dessert on the floor so she can get the back of her dress messy.

Having covered her dress, arms and legs, only her face and hair remain unscathed.

At 7 mins 27 secs she massages the Angel Delight into her hair and daubs it on her face!

Sitting on the floor she ensures that all of her is covered in dessert.

Dee now looks delightfully messy!


Stream 2 runs 10 mins 58 secs

Commences as Dee removes her Raspberry coated dress.

Then she introduces a 2nd flavor which is Butterscotch.

Dee rubs this over her bare top then applies some to her tights.

She sits and rolls on the floor trying to get further messed up.

Then we have the final Angel Delight flavor which is Chocolate.

She kneels to apply this to her body, rolling her tights down – see CLIP 2.

Then she removes her shoes and tights, messing up her clean legs.

She is now only clad in brief knickers (and plenty of Angel Delight).

She rolls about trying to mess herself up further.

Dee surprises us with a further bowl of Chocolate Angel Delight that has been prepared differently.

She pours the bowl over her head with excellent messy results.

Dee even dips her face into the chocolate mix that lies on the floor.

She continues to writhe around the floor enjoying the messiness.

Finally, she removes her knickers and continues to spread the messy mixture over her body.

She ends by hoping we enjoyed her delights!


Image set S425 has 127 Images of Dee’s messy play.

Not often I say this but I believe the images better the movie in this shoot.

Each shot has been checked and we do like you to see the detail, which means adequate lighting.

WSM take trouble to ensure you always see our shoot images in the best quality we can prepare.

But judge for yourself as we show you 5 sample shots from image set S425.



MOVIE WSM231 has 2 HD Streams running 20 mins 14 secs.


IMAGE SET S425 has 127 shots



£6-20  GBP

$8-40 USD

Euro 7.10


To Purchase HD movie WSM231 go to the Home page at  www.wsmprod.com then ‘Downloads – Online Store’ section, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find ‘Dee delights with Angel Delights’.





If we were asked which is one of the most popular series of movies made by WSM, then the FOOD series would be right up there.

Today we review again Food 12 with the awesome Ava in movie WSM253 plus image set S457.

Now this is Slapstick with a capital ‘S’.

And what puts WSM movies above the rest?

We suggest run-time and the amount of foodstuffs used, never skimping!

Plus fantastic models………and Price!

And of course the eroticism!

But see for yourself.

This was the 75th movie to be re-posted from the DOWNLOAD site to our SUBSCRIPTION site.

It has taken two years, but now you can now see this movie at no extra cost, if you are a member of our Subscription site.


A Download HD Movie plus Image set


‘Ava – Food 12’

Movie WSM253

Run-time 34 mins 03 secs


 3 Sample Clips in HD

 3 Streams in HD


Stream 1 runs 12mins 46 secs

Ava introduces the shoot and describes her outfit.

After 1 min 11 secs the foodstuffs flow, beginning with yogurt.

And does Ava take it meekly?

Oh no!  Plenty of yells, giggles, swear words and screeches!

“Bring it on!  Come on!” she says……but I think she lives to regret that most welcoming comment!

The yogurt is not just poured over her.

It is thrown with great gusto by our Phantom.

At 3-07 the attack changes to chopped tomatoes followed by spaghetti then custard.

At 4-20 a custard flan is applied to her left boob.

Next up are mushy peas!

“Oh that is disgusting!” laughs Ava (she does not like mushy peas).

After the mushy peas come strawberry yogurt, then vanilla yogurt.

Boldly lifting her skirt Ava taunts the Phantom.

“Come on!  Do your worst!”

Of course he does…..and lashings of custard arrive.

Ava demands more.

“Come on, cover me completely!”

“Come on, faster!”

“I’m waiting!”

Ava does not suffer fools lightly and she is determined to try and demean our Phantom.

“Come on, I’m not going to stand here all day!” she complains.

“Get that custard on me now!” she orders.

“Come on, on the arse”, she says as she offers her clean bum.

A custard flan soon changes that!

Next over her bum is vanilla yogurt.

Squirty cream is a failure, so the Phantom resorts to the colourful mess of chopped tomatoes.

Fruity yogurt follows over her bum which is followed by custard.

“Let me have a multi-coloured bum” exclaims Ava.

She turns to the front holding her dress aloft.

The Phantom splatters her stomach and thighs with more yogurt.

Ava rubs the foodstuffs into her body as further messy foodstuffs arrive.

We can identify spaghetti.

At 8-26 Ava opens the dress frontage to her boobs as the Phantom offers a custard and cream flan.

There is an inevitable splat onto her chest (“I quite liked that”, says Ava).

A 2nd custard/cream flan covers her right boob.

“And again”, says Ava!

The next custard/cream flan catches her on the side of her head.

The Phantom teases before another custard/cream flan goes into her cleavage.

Inviting him to follow this up, the Phantom deceives her and presses the next flan into her face.

This is followed by a flan on top of her head, catching Ava unaware.

Next, she receives a spraying with yogurt, then custard.

The action is remorseless!

Ava slicks her dress down as chocolate syrup falls over her.

The chocolate syrup is applied over her hair as well. 

But Ava likes this and lifting her dress she tells the Phantom.

“Come on then!” as she presents her bum to him.

“Who wants to lick this off my bum?” she asks.

What an invitation that is!

As we near the end of the 1st Stream, the FRIJJ drinks are introduced! 

From a distance, these are lethal! See what happens – see CLIP 1.

We end this Stream with chocolate Yazoo drink which splatters Ava’s back totally!

Phew!  And that is only the 1st of 3 Streams!



Stream 2 runs 10 mins 07 secs

Commences as Ava lowers her dress and her magnificent boobs are exposed.

The Phantom steams into the attack throwing yogurt.

Lowering her dress to the floor provokes the Phantom further as more yogurt is hurled over her.

This is followed by a new substance which mystifies Ava……until she finally declares – ‘Mayonnaise!’ – see CLIP 2.

‘This is weird’, says Ava as she slicks the foodstuffs over her body.

Then follows:

Further Mayonnaise (‘This smells awful’, she says).

A chocolate orange FRIJJ drink

Chocolate syrup (over her bum)

Ambrosia custard (inside her knickers), then over her boobs and stomach.

More custard goes down the back of her knickers and her back

Golden syrup – sprayed down her back and running down her bum – plenty of splitter-splatter sounds!

Golden syrup over her boobs and running down into her knickers.

Vegetable oil is freely poured over her boobs and down her front – plenty more splish/splash here!

Vegetable oil goes down her back – splish/splosh!

Baked beans are sprayed from the can down her back.

Tomato soup follows over her back (with yells from Ava here!)

Then there is a double helping of Tomato Soup and Baked Beans that bring a shrieking end to this Stream.


Stream 3 – runs 11 mins 10 secs

Now things start to turn decidedly messy.

As Ava lowers her knickers the Phantom splatters rice pudding over her bum.

Ava removes her knickers.

More rice pudding follows.

Crouching down proves to be a mistake as yogurt is splattered over her.

Ava kneels on the very messy floor to receive more rice pudding over her back.

Further yogurt and tinned custard are thrown, then poured (over her bum).

Squatting back facing the Phantom, Ava receives:

Yet more yogurt

Tomato soup

Tinned custard

Strawberry flavoured milk (over her back and bum)

Tinned rice pudding

Strawberry flavoured yogurts

Flavoured FRIJJ drinks

Yet more rice pudding

Yet more flavoured yogurt

Lying on her back, Ava continues to taunt the Phantom.

‘Come on then, finish off!  Come on, do your worst!’

And so the Phantom does!

But she continues to ridicule him as he throws pink yogurt over her – see CLIP 3.

The food fusillade is unceasing.

Ava is now very well splattered.

Next we switch to Ava about to sit on a chocolate cake!

She does and relishes squishing the messy cake over her pussy and thighs, before she squirms in it!

But Ava’s face is far too clean!

Did you really think she would get away without her pretty face messed?

Oh no!

A gateau is rubbed firmly into her face!

Then her face is splattered with yogurt and custard.

What a mess Ava now is!

Finally, more chocolate drink over her face, hair, boobs and body leave her an almost unrecognizable messy delight…….as she gladly waves us goodbye!


As if that was not enough (i.e movie WSM253)…….there is more!

In Vintage Film 8 ‘The Ring,’ (see Online Store) Mel explained to John what WSM means!

Want Some More’ she says!

Ava certainly did not ask for more but knew that by provoking the Phantom she would get it good!

And so she does!

With 314 Enhanced (full screen) images of the Slapstick action involving Ava, you do get a fantastic package of both movie and images.

Check-out the sample shots from image set S457.

Judge for yourselves if Ava gets it good from the Phantom!



Movie WSM253 and image set S457 are available as Downloads under https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then the ‘WSM Movies and Images’ section and find Ava – Food 12”.


They are also available under Subscription Movies and Subscription Images together with a further 333 movies and 517 Image sets.







STREAM 1     10 mins 54 secs  Download Price £4.00 GBP    $6.40 USD    5.30 Euro


Certificated by the British Board of Film Classification on 30th January 1991, WSM continued their television theme as Bill Shipton parodies the now sadly discredited Jimmy Savile!


After the titles the action starts with a one minute introduction by gold suited Bill Shipton surrounded by a bevy of 6 glamorous girls being:

Carol, Mirrel, Debbie, Lorraine, Melanie and Rachel.

There is a quick reprise of items from Film 4 together with a quirky, yet catchy, ‘Fix It’ song.


This Film Stream 1 is devoted to Wetlook.

So the first Fix It asks the question ‘Who won the Miss Drenched Competition?’

The winner, Debbie, is presented with the ‘Miss Drenched 1990’ tiara by one of our enthusiastic supporters Jack Shepherd and she is suitably rewarded with 2 full buckets of water!

The filming of this 1st Stream took place at Tenby, South Wales during the 2nd Aquantics Convention 30th October to 1st November 1990.  This was filmed at the Four Croft Hotel, which still continues to this day.


Debbie entertains us with a double Wetlook item in a white Jacuzzi bath.

Firstly, she is dressed in a pale blue business suit with a white lacy long sleeved blouse plus black stockings, black suspenders, black briefs and black heels.

Secondly, Debbie wears a casual outfit of white short sleeve blouse, green skirt, white mini knickers, white suspenders and white stockings plus silver sandals.

Those enticing 38DD boobs are on show in both sets as Debbie looks her best!


Then a brief ‘Fix It’ jingle, before a complaint! (Shock! Horror!)


The complaint is that Debbie was not wearing sexy undies!

So we end with this remedied by Lorraine, who poses in a bath in a white basque with white suspenders, white gloves, white stockings and white mini knickers, (run time 30 seconds).


Vintage Film 4 features 11 different girls being soaked and splattered as WSM fulfill your fantasies!


MAJOR ASPECT – Double Wetlook with Debbie running 8 mins 38 secs

This movie Stream1 is only available as a Download and runs 10 mins 54 secs


To purchase go to https://www.wsmprod.com then ‘Downloads – Online Store’, then ‘Digital Download – Vintage Films’ and find VINTAGE FILM 4,



We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £ Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.

The Subscription site does not include access to new movie/images Downloads in the Online Store, which we have added during the previous two years, or any XXX movies.

Movies and Image sets added to the WSM Online Store under ‘WSM Movies & Images’ are added also to the Subscription site, 2 years after being posted as a Download. 

Look at the JOIN NOW page to see our great value for 30 day, 3 month and 6 monthly Subscriptions as for a Subscription you can access:

334 Movies averaging 30 minutes each, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies and 104 Custard Couple Movies, (which include 30 joint productions with WSM),

15 vintage movies and 197 normal WSM movies (excluding 30 duplicated joint production movies with Custard Couple).

PLUS 57,082 Images in 518 sets (being 183 W + 241 S + 94 M).

But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.

Click here to see the amazing value Join costs!



I have struggled to complete image set for S434 from 20th November with Mrs. CC as Alice in WSM land.  The ending of the Adobe Flash player did delay things further.

This job is now completed and we will feature movie WSM240 – CC125 as soon as space permits on our forward programme.  This has now been added to our 28th May update.




30th April If you like muddy women then this is tremendous. Dee indulges in goalkeeper fitness practice but in the muddiest conditions possible!  20 minute movie WSM209 plus image set M226 now become available on our Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.


7th May New Slapstick couple movie XXX090 with Custard Couple (CC) simply titled ‘Messy Fridge Raid’ running 34 minutes approx with plenty of messy sex fun!

Plus image set S482XXX.


14th May After two years we look again at a remarkable XXX movie.

 HD movie XXX075 runs 47 minutes and is titled ‘Messy Humiliation in Pink’.

 Mrs. CC receives a torrid Sploshing from her Master.

 Plus there are 84 image shots in set S473XXX.


21st May A somewhat unusual new movie.

 The title tells all ‘A tale of two swimsuits’.

 Mrs. CC is in an exotic outdoor pool and wears retro and modern swimsuits.

 This is movie CC163 plus image set W428.


28 th May A further addition to the Subscription site as 25 minute HD movie WSM210 has Asian lady Jade in her tight jogging outfit diving into a flower covered river.

 Plus 234 enhanced shots of 35mm pics (see the colour!) in set W367.


4th June A major event in our WSM Calendar as we celebrate 10 years of association with Custard Couple (CC)!  Needless to say this week will all be about CC, the best mature WAM couple in the world!


  Still on the horizon we have Mrs. CC pushing the boundaries getting messy in a manure dump!

At the moment planned for an August release.

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