24th August 2024

WHAT’S NEW as at 24th August 2024

Now in our 43rd Year of continuous WAM Production

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!

We commence with something different.

How many movies have WSM produced?

Would you believe 507.

This is where they are:


   Messy Wrestling     18

   Custard Couple         132 

   WSM                  262 

   Vintage               15 

   Sub-total               427

Less Duplicated movies on Custard Couple site    41

Net movies on Standard Subscription site       386   XXX movies on Online Store       104 Vintage Films on Online Store   9

Online Store movies published less than 2 years     8

       TOTAL       507



  1.       Yet another movie is added to our Standard Subscription site after two years as a Download only.  This is HD movie WSM250 titled ‘Dee tests Slube’ which runs 23 mins.

It is back to our WSM basics as Dee wears one of her finest dresses to test red gunge, known as Slube and mess both the dress and herself up, describing her experience.

Plus we have image set S439 with 112 shots (and some beauties there!).


  1.       One of our most popular range of movies was titled ‘Food’ featuring busty girls.

When we add a well known model then it becomes even more special.

We feature Cate Harrington in Food 4, movie WSM059 plus image set S255.



We have 3 Subscription packages which allow Streaming & Downloading.

These are:

 STANDARD  SUBSCRIPTION (continues our original Subscription).

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘Movies’ and ‘Images’.

This site now has 427 Movies (being 171 SD and 256 HD) plus 591 image sets being 217W, 270S and 104M.

Removing the duplication of 41 movies over the CC and Wet, Slapstick and Messy movies leaves 386 movies.

The number of images for these 591 image sets totals 66,032.

We detail the breakdown of these movies: Total  SD 

Messy Wrestling     18  18 

Custard Couple     132  8 

Wet, Slapstick and Messy     262         

Vintage        15  15 

Custard Couple sets shot in association with WSM have 41 duplicated movies appearing both under Custard Couple and Wet, Slapstick and Messy.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices for a monthly subscription are:

These are £30 GBP or $42 USD or 40 Euro



This covers the WSM XXX movies only.

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘XXX’.  Click on any image to bring up the write-up, clips and sample images.

Although we have produced 104 XXX movies there are 9 movies ‘time barred’ (under our 2 Year Rule) and a further 8 movies covering Watersports that are not included.

There are 87 movies published on the Gold Subscription site.

These are the following movies currently time barred under our 2 Year Rule and so excluded from the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 050, 076, 095, 098, 100, 103, 104, 105 and 106 (9 in total).

For the Watersports/Pissy the following movies are not included in the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 010, 039, 046, 056, 062, 072, 082, 092 (8 in total).

Of course all these 18 excluded movies are available as Downloads on our website at https://wsmprod.com at ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then ‘XXX Section.’

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

 Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Gold Subscription package of 87 movies is:

£35 GBP or $49 USD or 47 Euro



Which is as the name implies being STANDARD plus GOLD Movies and Images.

This is one of the best WAM value sites on the net with 514 movies gross and 473 allowing for the Custard Couple 41 duplicated movies.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Dual Subscription package of 469 movies is:

£59 GBP or $83 USD or 79 Euro


SUBSCRIPTIONS limitation and Advice

Since April 2017 we commenced a policy that our new Download movies transferred to the (Standard) Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.

We confirm that this policy continues and includes XXX movies.


Some people have complained that the monthly subscription is recurring.

This has nothing to do with WSM as the subscription contract is between you and our payment processor.

But there is an easy way to avoid such a surprise, that is by cancelling your subscription as soon as you have taken it.  That way you have all your details to hand…..and you will still get your 30 day subscription.



Our WSM Download UMD STORE continues and there are currently 194 MOVIES and IMAGE sets which offer a remarkable range of shoots from our movie infancy in 1985 to the present.

For our next addition, we have a short Wetlook movie CC67.

This is a visit by that nice lady window cleaner (Mrs. Custard Couple).

As she multi-tasks, she has to wash the windows (and herself) dressed in her office suit!

But our UMD Store will shortly spring properly into action………as we are taking steps to safeguard our future.




CC commenced their own UMD Download Store and since September 2023 have uploaded 116 movies covering W, S and M.

They offer great value and variety.

You really must see the CC Download Store for mature couple WAM, as no-one does it better!

Having recently reached number 1 in the UMD Download Stores list, the reality is, and always was, that CC are the best Slapstick Couple in the world!

Go to https://custard-couple.umd.net





HD movie WSM250 features mature brunette Dee in her favourite role as a product assessor to test a products messy properties.

This movie runs 23 mins with Dee sumptuously dressed in an elegant dress.

She also wears black hold-ups and white knickers.

What I hear you say……no heels!

Playing with gunge requires a retention of the gunge otherwise it just runs away.

And what better method of retention than in a ‘space ship paddling pool’.

Sadly no heels can be worn in an inflated pool.



HD Movie plus Image set


‘Dee tests Slube (red gunge)’

Run-time 22 mins 46 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips in MP4 format

Stream 1 runs 12 mins 05 secs

Dee examines the red strawberry flavoured lube in the paddling pool which should turn red on her.

She sits in the pool to examine the lube’s properties.

As it is a new type of messiness for Dee, she is more cautious and plays around more.

It is soft and pliable and smells nice.

Dee enjoys slicking her stockings and the gloopey sounds the product makes (check this out from 4 mins 20 secs to 4-38 and also from 5-10 to 6-00.)

At 5 mins 26 secs she applies the lube to the sleeves of her dress.

Then at 5-58 she lies back in the gunge.

We can see the effect on her dress and hair.

The product is very model friendly and Dee enjoys slopping it over herself and rolling about the pool.

Soon her dress is saturated.

At 9 mins 30 secs Dee tells us the test of a good product is how it goes on the hair.

So she lies back to coat her hair with the lube.

‘Nice and oily’ she says as the lube glistens on her hair.

We see another face and hair coating – see CLIP 1.


Dee approves of the experience and continues to massage the lube into her hair.


Stream 2 runs 10 mins 41 secs

Sitting in the pool Dee continues her gloopey lube play.

This is a very liquid lube.

A totally bedraggled Dee looks so good as the shiny lube covers her body and outfit.

She is continually active.

After 3 minutes she removes her dress.

Now we can see the shiny lube on her body.

And Dee continues to play in the slippy solution with plenty of gloopey sounds!

See her enjoy slopping the lube on her body and then sleeking her legs – see CLIP 2.


At 7 mins 57 secs Dee removes her white knickers (which are now pink!)

We have some final play with her clad only in black hold-ups.

Some very tantalizing pussy glimpses!

Then we have a conclusion, as Dee tells us the lube “Is very soft and oily”.

After being showered she states that “It is very recommended”.

So a successful product test by a mature and experienced model.


In image set S439 there are 112 shots.

WSM have changed their approach to the images which are very time consuming.

Nobody seems to appreciate them!

To me there are some wondrous shots as the 35mm camera shows its true worth!

Just as well I have reached this conclusion now as the end of WSM appears in sight.

Enjoy while you can.

We show you 5 sample shots from image set S439.



MOVIE WSM250  has 2 HD quality Streams running 22 mins 46 secs.



£6-20  GBP

$8-40 USD

Euro 7-10


To Purchase go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find movie WSM250 at the top of the listing under

‘Dee tests Slube (red gunge)’


If you are a member of the WSM Standard Subscription website, movie WSM250 and image set S439 are available to you.

But this is only one movie and one image set from our Standard Subscription section which has 427 Movies and 591 Image sets all available just for the price of a Subscription!

How much?






One of our best Movie ideas is the FOOD range.

We believe we have done it again!  Another hidden gem is unearthed in movie WSM059!

Popular long haired brunette, the busty porn star Cate Harrington, shows how to get you off with a FOOD Sploshing!

How?  With plenty of very throwable and pourable foodstuffs and a brilliant messy attitude!

Dressed in a white blouse, black mini skirt, black stockings and shoes, plus a polka dot bra, brief and suspender set, Cate is after some very messy action, and boy!  Does she get it!!

Here is a woman who is very happy to get thoroughly messy.

This is our fantastic FOOD 4 movie WSM059 running 37 minutes.

Do note that as this movie was shot in March 2009 it has Standard Definition (SD).

Cate sighs continually, giggles and laughs and chats all through her messy ordeal.

Except, it is not an ordeal for Cate!  She tells us in the 1st Stream she will ‘get filthy messy!’

The messiness is a turn-on for her.

‘Make me real Messy’ says Cate.

Our phantom splosher does his best and Cate says ‘I think I’m completely covered!’

But we are only one quarter into the movie!!

Cate continues with constant comments and chatter and does she wind you up!!!

Show this movie to your girlfriend and it will get you both going!

I could go on and on with the superlatives!!

There is so much to tell you! 

But if you see this movie, there is no way you will be disappointed!

If you like baked BEANS……this is your movie!

It made my day just having to review it!

Very raunchy and very professional!!  Scrumptious viewing!

I say no more than just look at these 4 Free Clips from Movie WSM059.



To support Cate’s Food movie, Image set S255 has 80 Images.

Some great food and raunchy shots!

An unbelievable performance!

Here are 5 sample pics from set S255.



Sorry but this Slapstick movie WSM059 and image set S255 are only available on our Standard Subscription site.

But this is only one movie and one image set from our Subscription section which has 427 Movies and 591 Image sets all available just for the price of a subscription!

If you are not a member then you can view the 4 Clips on movie WSM059 by going to https://wsmprod.com

Then ‘Members Access’

Then ‘Movies’

Then ‘Wet, Slapstick and Messy’

Then page 11 for WSM059 which has 4 free Clips.




Our next Update will be on 7h September.

We will be adding to our existing movie and image sets.

It is a busy period so we are unable to state at this pint just what the update will be.

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