25th May 2024

WHAT’S NEW as at 25th May 2024

Now in our 43rd Year of continuous WAM Production

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!



  1. A brand new movie and image set with mature lady Dee.

We all know what outfit you normally wear when exercising.

But Dee wants to be different in not only doing her work-out in a dress, but to make it more difficult, this is a work-out in the rain.

Sadly this was not shot outdoors, but under the rainbar (to replicate the rain) in the studio.  This is 15 minute HD movie WSM248 plus 103 images in set W404.

But prepare for a major change with Dee.

We have only one further movie to show you of the ‘normal’ Dee in a slapstick shoot.

Then what?

In 3 months she loses 3 stone to reduce her weight down to 7 stone 3 lbs.

Then we have a final 4 movies of the super-thin Dee (aged 47).

Two movies have been lost by our studio manager, but there are also two image only sets of the super-thin Dee.

Yes, life is full of surprises!


  1. Within the last month we have re-reviewed movie WSM015 plus image set S192 of FOOD 1 with Vanessa.

We have also looked again at image set S230 of Sofia Smith in FOOD 3.

And in our last update we published our final FOOD 13 shoot, which was sadly an image only set S486, with the irrepressible Demi.

So why not continue a great theme?

We re-review movie FOOD 2 WSM024 with the incomparable Wendy-Jayne, plus image set S191.

Truly Oldies…….but Goldies!



We have 3 Subscription packages which allow Streaming & Downloading.

These are:

 STANDARD  SUBSCRIPTION (continues our original Subscription).

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘Movies’ and ‘Images’.

This site now has 422 Movies (being 171 SD and 251 HD) plus 586 image sets being 214W, 269S and 103M.

Removing the duplication of 41 movies over the CC and Wet, Slapstick and Messy movies leaves 381 movies.

The number of images for these 586 image sets totals 65,198.

We detail the breakdown of these movies: Total 

Messy Wrestling     18 


Custard Couple     130 


Wet, Slapstick and Messy     259         130 

Vintage        15 

Custard Couple sets shot in association with WSM have 41 duplicated movies appearing both under Custard Couple and Wet, Slapstick and Messy.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices for a monthly subscription are:

These are £30 GBP or $42 USD or 40 Euro



This covers the WSM XXX movies only.

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘XXX’.  Click on any image to bring up the write-up, clips and sample images.

Although we have produced 104 XXX movies there are 11 movies ‘time barred’ (under our 2 Year Rule) and a further 8 movies covering Watersports that are not included.

There are 85 movies published on the Gold Subscription site.

These are the following movies currently time barred under our 2 Year Rule and so excluded from the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 050, 076, 093, 095, 098, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105 and 106 (11 in total).

For the Watersports/Pissy the following movies are not included in the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 010, 039, 046, 056, 062, 072, 082, 092 (8 in total).

Of course all these 19 excluded movies are available as Downloads on our website at https://wsmprod.com at ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then ‘XXX Section.’

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

 Our new discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Gold Subscription package of 85 movies is:

£35 GBP or $49 USD or 47 Euro



Which is as the name implies being STANDARD plus GOLD Movies and Images.

This is one of the best WAM value sites on the net with 507 movies gross and 466 allowing for the Custard Couple 41 duplicated movies.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our new discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Dual Subscription package of 466 movies is:

£59 GBP or $83 USD or 79 Euro


SUBSCRIPTIONS limitation and Advice

Since April 2017 we commenced a policy that our new Download movies transferred to the (Standard) Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.

We confirm that this policy continues and now includes XXX movies.


Some people have complained that the monthly subscription is recurring.

This has nothing to do with WSM as the subscription contract is between you and our payment processor.

But there is an easy way to avoid such a surprise, that is by cancelling your subscription as soon as you have taken it.  That way you have all your details to hand…..and you will still get your 30 day subscription.



Our WSM Download UMD STORE continues and there are currently 192 MOVIES and IMAGE sets which offer a remarkable range of shoots from our movie infancy in 1985 to the present.

For our next addition, continuing with our Messy Wrestling, we have our first mud match between Firekraka and Sapphire.

Shot in August 2005, Match 4 runs 13 minutes of very noisy and messy action!

But our UMD Store will shortly spring properly into action………as we have taken steps to safeguard our future.



Custard Couple (CC) commenced their own UMD Download Store and since September 2023 have uploaded 88 movies covering W, S and M.

They offer great value and variety.

You really must see the CC Download Store for mature couple WAM, as no-one does it better!

Go to https://custard-couple.umd.net




A bit of a dilemma with what to call this movie!

3 options:

The Maroon Dress.

Dee has a wet workout.

Dee work-out in the rain in maroon dress.

In the end, the more unusual 3rd description was taken, so this new movie is confirmed as ‘WSM248 Dee work-out in the rain in maroon dress’.

Also added is Image set W404 with 103 shots.


So why the dilemma?

The Maroon Dress Dee wears has featured in (at least) 4 prior movies.

It all started in September 2017 when Nicky Phillips wore the dress in a studio shoot.

We attach one image from that shoot, being movie WSM244 and image set W405.



Moving next to November 2020 we saw Honour May drenched in two dresses in movie WSM255 and image set W414.

We show you a nice drenched shot of Honour May in her 2nd chosen dress.



Next, we move forward to February 2022 and movie WSM243 plus image set W400 as we see Dee in this dress in the river.



Finally, we go to July 2022 just to prove what a versatile dress this was, as Dee is syruped again in movie WSM258 plus image set S448.





HD Movie plus Image set


‘Dee work-out in the rain in maroon dress’

Run-time 15 mins 09 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips in MP4 format


Stream 1    runs 8 mins 07 secs

How do you get a Wetlook movie to run at least 15 minutes in a studio shoot?

You dress the model in appropriate clothes then she expresses herself accordingly.

As you may gather with only one further normal brand new Dee movie to be seen, Dee is a fitness fanatic……..so we get her to perform a work-out, even if she is quite inappropriately dressed in her keynote maroon dress plus black knickers and heels!

Mature brunette Dee introduces herself and shows off her dress, which she tells us she wore in the river a few months ago (see image shot W400 above).

She anticipates rain……..and so we oblige!

Dee walks in and out of the rainbar getting gradually drenched.

The sound of her heels prompts her to perform a very brief “singing in the rain”, when in reality she is dancing in the rain!

The dress shows its marvelous Wetlook qualities as Dee says “it is pouring down now!”

She tells us “I like this dress because as you can see, it goes all glossy, my favourite!

See, everything is shining, boobs, everything”. – see CLIP 1


Dee continues “And the sheen!”

She marches about getting soaked (but looking fantastic).

At 3 mins 50 secs she gets on the floor (this is a work-out).

The shower whistles its praise!

Dee is never still, being very energetic.

She shows off her high heels and stockings.

A very high energy performance from a 46 year old woman!

She finishes with some great twirly shots.


Stream 2    runs 7 mins 02 secs

Dee removes her dress under the persistent rain.

She continues her exercise routine descending to the floor – see CLIP 2.

Some nice glossy leg shots follow.

But Dee is using the floor for her strenuous if very wet work-out.

At 3 mins 11 secs she stands to vary her exercise routine.

But not for long!

After 4 mins she removes her knickers (with 3 mins remaining).

And Dee is not shy.

I am sure we will all enjoy the remainder of her routine.

But all too soon, Dee clad only in her stockings and heels, is telling us:

“I hope you enjoyed my work-out in the rain”.


MOVIE WSM248  has 2 HD Streams running 15 mins 09 secs.


IMAGE SET W404 has 103 shots.



£6-20  GBP

$8-40 USD

Euro 7.10


Movie WSM248 is only available as a Download (for the next two years).


To Purchase movie WSM248 go to the Home page at  www.wsmprod.com then ‘Downloads – Online Store’ section, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find
“Dee work-out in the rain in maroon dress.”





One of our best Movie ideas was the FOOD range.

Food 2 movie WSM024 (published in November 2007) is worth a monthly membership alone just to see the busty and very giggly WENDY-JAYNE endure a continuous 40 minute food sploshing!…….. which does nothing to stifle her giggles!

So do check out these 4 Free Clips: (or navigate there yourself to see this and many other movies – see details below)

Clip 1 Pie in the face time for Wendy-Jayne!

Clip 2 Pigtailed, clothed Wendy-Jayne covered in food.

Clip 3 Having chocolate milkshake poured over her head and face, only brings more giggles from Wendy-Jayne.

Clip 4 Wendy-Jayne lies on the floor to receive tomato soup over her big boobs, then over her face.


Set S191 is for you MESSY fans and are video grabs taken from our Movie WSM024 of Food 02 of WendyJayne receiving a 40 minute food sploshing (sorry I was not there with my 35mm camera).

There are 59 shots from this Movie in Image set S191.

We show you 3 samples of the video grabs from this set.



How do you acquire movie WSM024 of Wendy-Jayne?

If you are a member of the WSM Standard Subscription website, then movie WSM024 is part of the package of 422 movies.

If you are not, then you can view all the Clips indicated above by going to www.wsmprod.com

Then “Members Access”

Then ‘Movies’

Then ‘Wet, Slapstick and Messy’

Then page 12 for WSM024 which has 4 free Clips




Our next Update will be on 8th June.

We will be adding 2 movies to our Subscription sites:

WSM245 Dee in cream dress and black tights in the river plus image set W398.

XXX093 as Custard Couple have a messy dinner on the patio plus image set S491XXX.

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