7th September 2024

WHAT’S NEW as at 7th September 2024

Now in our 43rd Year of continuous WAM Production

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


Last Update we detailed the 507 movies that WSM have produced.

Now the end is in sight!

4 further movies of Dee remain until we will end with 511 movies.

But sadly, (and yet again), our movie editor “lost” 2 movies.  We still have the image sets for those 2 movies which we will publish and add to our Standard Subscription site.      


  1.    A further movie is added to our Gold Subscription site (which is for our XXX movies) after two years as a Download only.  This is HD movie XXX095 titled ‘Cross-dress 2’and can be found on our website at ‘Downloads – Online Store,’ then the XXX Section, 2nd row down.

On 7th row you can see the Clips, sample images and write-up for ‘Cross-dress 1’which is movie XXX006.

With Custard Couple now having their own UMD Download Store do note that their movie ‘Cross Dress 2’ published 17th August is not the same movie as the WSM Cross-dress 2 shown and written about today.

Plus we have image set S451XXX with 108 shots added to movie XXX095.


  1.    One of our most popular range of movies was titled ‘Food’ featuring busty girls.

When we add a well known model then it becomes even more special.

We feature Natalie in Food 5, movie WSM067 plus some images.



We have 3 Subscription packages which allow Streaming & Downloading.

These are:

 STANDARD  SUBSCRIPTION (continues our original Subscription).

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘Movies’ and ‘Images’.

This site now has 427 Movies (being 171 SD and 256 HD) plus 591 image sets being 217W, 270S and 104M.

Removing the duplication of 41 movies over the CC and Wet, Slapstick and Messy movies leaves 386 movies.

The number of images for these 591 image sets totals 66,032.

We detail the breakdown of these movies: Total  SD


Messy Wrestling     18


Custard Couple     132 

Wet, Slapstick and Messy     262           130          132

Vintage        15 

Custard Couple sets shot in association with WSM have 41 duplicated movies appearing both under Custard Couple and Wet, Slapstick and Messy.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices for a monthly subscription are:

These are £30 GBP or $42 USD or 40 Euro



This covers the WSM XXX movies only.

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘XXX’.  Click on any image to bring up the write-up, clips and sample images.

Although we have produced 104 XXX movies there are 8 movies ‘time barred’ (under our 2 Year Rule) and a further 8 movies covering Watersports that are not included.

There are 88 movies published on the Gold Subscription site.

These are the following movies currently time barred under our 2 Year Rule and so excluded from the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 050, 076, 098, 100, 103, 104, 105 and 106 (8 in total).

For the Watersports/Pissy the following movies are not included in the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 010, 039, 046, 056, 062, 072, 082, 092 (8 in total).

Of course all these 18 excluded movies are available as Downloads on our website at https://wsmprod.com at ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then ‘XXX Section.’

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

 Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Gold Subscription package of 87 movies is:

£35 GBP or $49 USD or 47 Euro



Which is as the name implies being STANDARD plus GOLD Movies and Images.

This is one of the best WAM value sites on the net with 515 movies gross and 474 allowing for the Custard Couple 41 duplicated movies.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Dual Subscription package of 469 movies is:

£59 GBP or $83 USD or 79 Euro


SUBSCRIPTIONS limitation and Advice

Since April 2017 we commenced a policy that our new Download movies transferred to the (Standard) Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.

We confirm that this policy continues and includes XXX movies.


Some people have complained that the monthly subscription is recurring.

This has nothing to do with WSM as the subscription contract is between you and our payment processor.

But there is an easy way to avoid such a surprise, that is by cancelling your subscription as soon as you have taken it.  That way you have all your details to hand…..and you will still get your 30 day subscription.



Our WSM Download UMD STORE continues and there are currently 194 MOVIES and IMAGE sets which offer a remarkable range of shoots from our movie infancy in 1985 to the present.

For our next addition, we have a short Wetlook movie CC67.

This is a visit by that nice lady window cleaner (Mrs. Custard Couple).

As she multi-tasks, she has to wash the windows (and herself) dressed in her office suit!

You may well be asking what is going on at WSM for on 6th January this year there were 187 movies already posted.

There is a huge transfer operation underway to ensure the continuity of the WSM movies.

With over 500 movies……..there is plenty to be done!

So our UMD Store will shortly spring properly into action………as we are taking steps to safeguard our future.




CC commenced their own UMD Download Store and since September 2023 have uploaded 120 movies covering W, S and M.

They offer great value and variety.

You really must see the CC Download Store for mature couple WAM, as no-one does it better!

Having recently reached number 1 in the UMD Download Stores list, the reality is, and always was, that CC are the best Slapstick Couple in the world!

Go to https://custard-couple.umd.net




It was in September 2017 that WSM broke new ground with our 1st Cross-Dress movie XXX006 running 40 mins, plus 84 pics in image set S356XXX with our adventurous Custard Couple (CC).  Movie XXX006 is included in our Gold Subscription site.

After two years a Download only, now a 2nd Cross-dress movie XXX095 is added to the Gold Subscription site.

HD movie XXX095 titled ‘Cross-Dress 2’ runs 36 mins with Mr. CC as the man in the dress.

Or to be more exact a red dress, wig, fishnet stockings, black bra, black suspenders and black knickers.

Invited to a Cross-Dress party, Mrs. CC goes as her own bewitching sexy self.

Mr. CC sploshes up his sexy wife (not in cross-dress) before she messes him up and gives him his sexual release.

There is also image set S451XXX with 108 shots.



HD Movie plus Image set


‘Custard Couple in Cross-Dress 2’

Run-time 36 mins 35 secs


3 HD Streams plus 3 HD Sample Clips in MP4 format


This movie brought to mind the 1970’s play ‘Abigail’s Party,’

Originally this movie was titled ‘Cyril’s Cross Dress Party’.

And the similarity?

The hosts mentioned in the title do not appear!

But the dialogue is jaunty and explicit and inference and suggestion abound!

But having said that, at 36 minutes there is still plenty of action between Custard Couple (CC).


A summary of the action is:

Introduction as CC arrive together for cross-dress fun.

They go into one of the fetish rooms.

Start to play with the foodstuffs.

Host Cyril arrives in cross-dress.

Mr. CC departs to ‘play’ with his host.

Mrs. CC is excited by the view and messing herself with custard frigs herself.

There is a cross-talk of dirty comments between Custard Couple before they both cum (but not together).

Mr. CC returns to Mrs. CC who messes him up.

Mr. CC removes his dress and clad in bra, suspender belt and fishnet stockings gives his wife the shagging she craves!


Stream 1 runs 12 mins 15 secs

CC are invited to Cyril’s Cross-Dress party.

We see them arrive with Mr. CC in cross-dress while Mrs. CC looks stunning in a very tight red dress with black net insert top – see CLIP 1.


They go into one of the fetish rooms and Mrs. CC is impressed as they find a tasty range of foodstuffs.

Mrs. CC dips a finger in the cream then rubs it over her dress.

CC start to play their messy games and soon the custard flows down her red dress!

Party host Cyril enters the room.

Mrs. CC apologizes for starting to get messy, but she compliments Cyril on his outfit.

CC decide to make it up to Cyril as Mr. CC is going to suck his cock!

But this is all the power of suggestion as Mr. CC leaves the picture at 8 mins 18secs.

We then have verbal banter between Mr. and Mrs. CC as he services Cyril.

Mrs. CC is turned on and lowers her knickers to pour custard over her shaved pubes as she now monopolizes the movie!

Custard flows freely down her outfit.

She continues to comment on Mr. CC with Cyril.

She becomes so excited that she uses both hands to frig herself using the custard as lubrication!


Stream 2 runs 8 mins 57 secs

This Stream is devoted to Mrs. CC’s solo messing-up.

She sits on the table for pussy play using her good friend ‘custard’.

She continues to comment on the play between her husband and Cyril and Mr. CC responds.

Cake is introduced and Mrs. CC is soon very messy.

Custard is poured down her arse.

The naughty banter continues between her and Mr. CC.

More custard is poured over Mrs. CC as she frigs away at her clit.

Cross-talk between Mr. and Mrs stimulates them both.

Mr. CC cums closely followed by his horny wife.

CC agree with Cyril to remain in this playroom.

Mrs. CC continues to mess herself up – see CLIP 2.


The Stream ends as Cyril leaves the room.


Stream 3 runs 15 mins 23 secs

Mr. CC returns to Mrs. CC.

She messes up his dress as he is far too clean!

Lifting the dress she messes his panties and fishnet stockings– see CLIP 3.


Mrs. CC gets him to lie on the table so she can mess him more.

She lies against him then soon is adding cream to his cock before sucking and wanking him!

Raspberry dessert is applied over his cock and balls.

She pulls him from the table so he can remove her dress.

Mr.CC delights in rubbing Chocolate dessert over her boobs.

Mrs.CC lies on the table as Mr.CC removes her knickers.

Mr. CC removes his dress before entering her pussy!

Next he gives it to her up the arse.

Mrs. CC kneels on the table as Mr. CC now clad in bra, garter belt and fishnet stockings, takes her doggie style while spreading custard down her back.

Penetration views are poor despite the reality of the action.

There are some better views on the doggie fucking before Mr. CC explodes!

Mrs. CC sits against the wall while Mr. CC messes her up further.

She rubs his cock in the cream.

With her sitting against the wall open legged, Mr. CC takes the opportunity to lick her pussy!

His tonguing stimulates her!

Finally, they lie and sit on the table very messed up and well spent!


In image set S451XXX there are 108 shots.

WSM are changing their approach to the images which are very time consuming.

Nobody seems to appreciate them!

Normally the missing blanks would be filled in…….but not now!

The captured shots include an additional 12 solo shots of Mrs. CC at the end of the shoot.

These do not figure in the video.

We show you 5 sample shots from image set S451XXX.



MOVIE XXX095  has 3 HD quality Streams running 36 mins 35 secs.



£8-60  GBP

$11-60 USD

Euro 9-90


To Purchase movie XXX095 go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then  ‘XXX Section’ and find the movie titled
‘Custard Couple in Cross-Dress 2’.

For reference CC in movie Cross-Dress 1 is movie XXX006.


This movie and image set are now available on our Gold Subscription site plus 87 other movies!

The Gold Subscription site only contains XXX movies.

How much?




This is classic Slapstick.

Everyone loves our FOOD range of movies and right up there at the top is:


NATALIE sploshed by the Phantom in FOOD 5



Run-time 33 mins 30 secs


4 Sample Clips and 4 Streams – Slapstick


First published in February 2010, movie WSM067 running over 33 minutes, features the beautiful and busty NATALIE in the 5th in our range of Food movies & images.

Witness this continual food barrage!

Natalie takes it in good heart with plenty of giggles and adds her comments often to taunt our phantom thrower!

Buxom blonde Natalie is dressed in a white sleeveless top, white full mini skirt, white stockings, full white knickers (great for taking the foodstuffs) and red heels.

Some Highlights:

1st Stream 6 min 16 sec opens back of knickers to have tomato soup poured in, then a jug of eggs followed by a ravioli dinner (with pasta shells!) – so her knickers bulge with food!

2nd Stream  01-09 a custard flan, topped with cream, rubbed in face (see Video grabs

      under S264 below) 

02-50 a faceful of spaghetti

03-10 a milk shower

03-52 self pieing in face

05-05 mousse trifle on head

05-25 top off, 05-45 skirt off

06-10 opens front of knickers to have spaghetti hoops poured in, followed by a jug of eggs!

3rd Stream  01-28 to 02-45 messy toe play

03-50 bra off to release huge boobs

06-00 opens knickers at front to receive beans

06-35 pie rubbed in face by phantom

4th Stream  00-50 knickers off

01-57 cheesecake rubbed in pussy

05-25 trifle rubbed over head, chest and face

05-50 a faceful of spaghetti as head and boobs are covered in spaghetti

06-25 lying on back covered in flour

07-00 rice pudding deluge over head, face and boobs

07-40 already smothered in rice pudding, gets a full coating of flour all over!

08-23 ends, totally covered in flour

If you like big messy boobs, then this movie is unmissable!

And an unusual floury ending!

We show you 4 Clips from Food 5 movie WSM067


Normally we would show you the Image set to support FOOD 5 movie WSM067.

Images were taken but regrettably they have disappeared.

So what to do?

Well, we did pull off 5 video grabs for you, so we show these now.

However, we do have an Image set of the big busted NATALIE which we have already published as Image set S265 with 61 shots.  But this set has no movie!!

So a good substitute?

Do you like uniforms?

This set commences with NATALIE dressed as a Police Woman in white short sleeve blouse plus black & white tie, black mini tunic, black bra and knickers, black fishnet stockings plus black peep toe court shoes.  Oh, and not forgetting her hat!

So we see her nice and clean.

Next she is in her undies and getting sploshed.

Then she strips down naked duly covered with messy food.

Then, surprise! Surprise!

She puts her messy Police Woman outfit back on before finally ending naked again.

It certainly is somewhat unusual.

We have reworked image set S265 and enhanced the images to full screen size.

Check out Image set S265 which now has 69 shots, as we show you 4 sample shots.

On the https://wsmprod.com website, movie WSM067 and image set S265 are available if you are a member of our Standard Subscription site.

But this is only one movie and one image set from our Standard Subscription section which has 386 Movies and 591 Image sets all available just for the price of a subscription!

How much does it cost?

But if you want this movie only, you can Download it by going to:

Downloads – Online Store

Then “Downloads from Website”



This movie may be purchased from the UMD Online Store at a cost of $9-60 USD


Our next Update will be on 21st September.

We have the 1st of our final 4 movies.

This features the new look Dee in movie WSM271 in a long slim black dress in the river.

Plus image set W431.

And we continue our re-look at our Food range of movies with WSM100 featuring Chloe in Food 6.

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