17th January 2020

WHAT’S NEW as at 17th January 2020

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017



A brand new 20 minute Messy movie WSM218 as Dee plays with a mixture of 5 chocolate products in a gradual strip.  Plus there are 202 enhanced images in set S412.

Then, a very Muddy image set M083 from 1988, with Debbie in her grey business suit & white blouse in a river estuary, blowing away a few myths about how muddy a model could get!

We start a new service today with the introduction of ‘THIS WEEKS DISCOUNTED MOVIE’ – see details below!

And our 1st DISCOUNTED MOVIE is for our Wetlook fans.  We see Sultry brunette Mia in movie WSM077 under the shower in a short sleeve top, mini skirt and blue undies.

How much to download?

See below.


We take Subscriptions to our Website – Memberships extending for up to 6 months are available.



We commence a WEEKLY DISCOUNTED DOWNLOAD offer of a MOVIE and IMAGE SET taken from our SUBSCRIPTION site, which currently has 317 movies.  This offer will change weekly.  See below for ‘THIS WEEKS DISCOUNTED MOVIE’.

SEE ALSO OUR DOWNLOADS - ONLINE STORE  (no membership required)

Click on movie and page down for full description and sample images, for
PLUS 105 New ‘WSM Movies & Images’ with 2/3rd available on the Subscription site too.

PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads
and XXX section with 78 MOVIES with Images, only available as Downloads.


We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGES regularly




Towards the end of 2015 year and in early 2016 I did a series of 7 shoots in my old studio.

Why the rush?

Because the studio was sold in March 2016.

This movie was shot 26th November 2015.

A couple of months earlier Dee had ballooned to 11 stone! (see muddy movie WSM209).

At this shoot WSM218 Dee had trimmed to 10 stone.

Now it takes much determination with exercise and diet to lose weight in middle age.

Eventually she got down to 7 stone 3lbs which was far too thin for modeling.

I think her best weight was 8 stone 3 lbs which you will eventually see in WSM movies WSM271 and WSM 272 (both river shoots).

But back to our current movie WSM218 which has 5 different products plus a 6th for a surprise ending.  Dee gets fully messy and goes from clothed to nude.



A brand new Download HD Movie plus Image set


‘Dee with a mixture of Chocolate products’

Run-time 20 mins 03 secs


2 HD Streams plus 2 HD Sample Clips


Stream 1 runs 9 mins 56 secs

Dee wears a short sleeved black dress with a full pleated skirt, hold-up stockings and white knickers.

She starts with ‘Hazella’ swirl (with 5 x 500 gramme jars).

This is very smooth and gives a light coloured chocolate effect.

Having been warmed, it is free running and spreads very easily.

Dee stands in our standard silver space ship paddling pool (still fantastic value in January 2020 at £11).

She sleeks the dress with the chocolate and the 5 jars go a very long way! – see CLIP 1.

At 5 mins 45 secs Dee unzips her dress then removes it.

She is topless!

Then her 2nd product which is:

Bradbury’s ‘Duo Spread Chocolate & Hazlenut’(with 3 jars x 400 grammes).

She rubs this over her body with some falling on her mouth and chin.

Dee sleeks it in before lying back full length to dribble more chocolate over herself.

Then she makes an application to her face.

Then a jar is shaken over her face and chest and the chocolate rubbed in.

Dee then lies full length on her stomach before kneeling up so we can see the chocolaty results.

Stream 2 runs 10 mins 07 secs

We go to the next product which is ‘Cadbury’s Milk Chocolate Spread’ (2 x 400 gramme jars).

This is very free running as sitting Dee pours the contents of the 1st jar over her body.

She comments on ‘Another smooth chocolate’.

Standing, she pours the 2nd jar of chocolate into her knickers – see CLIP 2.

We move on to the next product which is ‘NUTSY’.

There are two plastic tubs x 400 grammes.

This is a darker chocolate which Dee rubs over her body and face.

At 02 mins 17 secs she removes her knickers and now only wears hold-up stockings.

Her chocolate covered boobs are much darker on the movie than the images (which were lightened to show the detail).

Dee works the ‘Nutsy’ into her body.

She sits in the paddling pool to finish off spreading and massaging the ‘Nutsy’ dark chocolate.

Dee lies back and squirms about the paddling pool.

We move to the final product which is FRIJJ Milkshakes.

Starting with 5 Choc-a Chocolate drinks, soon the liquid chocolate milk is splashed around.

The next 3 drinks go over her head with Dee looking very chocolate coated now.

We are now surprised as Dee produces 5 FRIJJ Strawberry drinks.

Dee calls this ‘A Strawberry Surprise!’

The first two and the final Strawberry milkshake go over her head and help to sluice her body down.

There are some great streaming strawberry milk shots as Dee really does dowse herself down with the Strawberry drink.

But that is a great way to get some chocolate rinsed off her body.

Then Dee flounders about full length in the paddling pool which now has a base liquid coating.

Reclining full length she sloshes her way to the finish still very messy and chocolaty and ends with some rather raunchy shots!


Image set S412 has 202 Enhanced Images (Full Screen) shots of Dee’s messy play.

These shots have been carefully checked over and give a superb account of Dee’s chocolaty play.

You will be spoilt for choice but I am sure you will find at least one you like.

But judge for yourself as we show you 5 sample shots from image set S412.


MOVIES WSM218 has 2 HD Streams running 20 mins 03 secs.


IMAGE SET S412 has 202 shots



£6-70  GBP

$9-00 USD

Euro 7.70


To Purchase HD movie WSM218 go to the Home page at  www.wsmprod.com then ‘Downloads – Online Store’ section, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find

‘Dee with a mixture of Chocolate products’.




A mud set that was much talked about when first published.

Shot in September 1988 set M083 features DEBBIE in some very sloshy mud.

We have to thank my good friend Roger Carpenter of Aquantics (RIP 18th May 2019) for the supply of this set.

Roger lived in Tenby, South Wales and this shoot was 18 miles away at Landshipping.

Debbie’s outfit was very carefully chosen with a grey suit, white blouse, white stockings, white suspenders, white knickers and black heels.

Debbie went ready dressed.

We had timed the tide perfectly and there was an inviting muddy area.

Debbie got stuck in and we produced some very memorable shots.

At the end, it was the intention for Debbie to wash off in a little stream.

But when we finished, the tide was at its lowest.

There was a very steep embankment to the stream, but it was a mud embankment.

So, no way of getting out clean!

It was then discovered that the towels had been forgotten!

So poor Debbie was wrapped in black plastic bin bags and amazed some Tenby residents upon her return!

So filming is easy……don’t you believe it!

We show 97 images of that shoot in set M083.

It did change conceptions about how muddy a girl could get!

Sadly, it was before the coming of universal camcorders, so there is no video.

But enjoy these sample pics with 5 shots of Debbie from set M083.

This set was given a makeover and the image sizes enhanced.


If you take a membership, then besides image set M083 you can see:

53,822 Images covering W, S and M in 493 sets,

plus 317 Movies, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies & 93 Custard Couple Movies.

No-one offers better value!





Each week we will offer a Discounted Movie (and Image set) from our Subscription site.

Initially we will work our way through the 16 Movies currently posted under ‘Downloads Online Store’ then ‘Downloads from Website.’

We commence with the 1st movie listed on that page titled ‘MIA gets Wet’.

Brunette MIA is a stunner as she goes under the shower dressed in:

A multi-coloured summer dress (which becomes semi-transparent when wet).

Black fishnet stockings worn with black suspenders

Pink bra and panties

Suede heeled ankle booties

In this 23 minute Movie WSM077 Mia is constantly active.

A very classy performer!

Mia, a voluptuous girl from South Yorkshire really brightens our day in this wet scene.

Her pretty dress and outfit remind us of a warm summer day.

Add in a drenching……if only every summer’s day was like this!

You will love the look of the water on her natural olive skin.

Check out our 4 sample Clips from Movie WSM077 here.


We have already published an Image set of Mia enjoying her clothed shower and strip.

This is set W286 with 81 shots.

This is a most under-rated wet set with Mia providing some outstanding wetlook.

We have taken the opportunity to upgrade this set by enhancing it to full screen.

We show 5 sample shots from this wet Image set W286.

Perfection or what?



But, next week we need to reverse the Discounted Movie and go back to the normal pricing above.


For the next 7 days, the DISCOUNTED MOVIE PRICE IS

£3-00 GBP
$4-00 USD
Euro 3-50



We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £ Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.

The Subscription site does not include access to new movie/images Downloads in the Online Store, which we have added during the previous two years, or any XXX movies.

Movies and Image sets added to the WSM Online Store under ‘WSM Movies & Images’ are added also to the Subscription site, 2 years after being posted as a Download. 

Look at the JOIN NOW page to see our great value for 30 day, 3 month and 6 monthly Subscriptions as for a Subscription you can access:

317 Movies averaging 30 minutes each, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies and 93 Custard Couple Movies, (which include 29 joint productions with WSM),

15 vintage movies and 191 normal WSM movies (excluding 29 duplicated joint production movies with Custard Couple).

PLUS 53,919 Images in 494 sets (being 174 W + 231 S + 89 M).

But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.

Click here to see the amazing value Join costs!







24th Jan A timely movie as we look again at Custard Couple’s 22 min movie XXX063 ‘Banish the winter blues – get Messy!’  Plus 86 enhanced images in set S450XXX.


31st Jan A 2nd brand new movie for January.  Our longest running series is Mrs. CC as ‘The Mud Slut’.  Here we have Mud Slut 13 with a muddy afternoon outdoors with Mrs. CC.  And does she get herself off in her personal mud pit?  You betcha!  Movie CC146 runs 24 mins plus approx 120 images in set M236.


7th Feb The 79th Download movie is released to the Subscription site.  The title says it all ‘Instant Wet’ as in movie CC120, which runs 21 minutes, there are 3 different instant wet soakings for Mrs. CC along with their images.


14th Feb To celebrate Valentines Day we look again at movie CC63 plus image set S369 to see how Mrs. CC fared with her lover, as she gets rather foamy in her red outfit


21st Feb Another new movie WSM216 as Dee in a sleeveless summery dress gets sploshed-up with chopped tomatoes.  Plus approx 150 images in set S405.


28th Feb We take another look at XXX Outdoor Slapstick play with Custard Couple (CC) in ‘Bring on the Treacle’ with extreme WAM.

 As this is the second in the Messy Humiliation series then we do mean real black treacle!

 This movie was classified as fully XXX due to the language, extreme WAM, a couple of brief pissy scenes and orgasms for both Mr. & Mrs. CC.

 Movie XXX065 runs 37 minutes plus image set S407XXX with 155 enhanced shots.

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