13th March 2020

WHAT’S NEW as at 13th March 2020

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017



A new HD Download movie WSM216 which runs over 24 minutes, as Dee in a sleeveless summery dress gets sploshed-up with chopped tomatoes!

Plus there are 115 enhanced image pics in set S405.

Having abruptly terminated our weekly Discounted Subscription Movie due to a total lack of interest, it is time to move to another theme.

WSM wish to pay tribute to 12 models who featured in our updates from 2009 to 2015.

These may be considered old material, but to WSM they are true gold!

So for the next 12 weeks we will publish these tributes with their movies and recently enhanced image sets, all available on our Subscription site.

We exclude our very regular contributors Custard Couple (CC) and Dee from our Tribute list.

So who is first up?  Previously published on 18th April 2015 (but not with enhanced images), 

we commence with our Tribute to our Mature lady Gemma. (see below)


Memberships of our Website extending for up to 6 months are available.

We now have 319 Movies plus 496 Image sets for instant access.

At under 10 pence per movie or 14 Yankee cents or 12 Euro cents,

(before we even consider the images)……we must be barking mad!


SEE ALSO OUR DOWNLOADS - ONLINE STORE (no membership required)

Click on movie and page down for full description and sample images, for
PLUS 108 New ‘WSM Movies & Images’ with 2/3rd available on the Subscription site.

PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads
and XXX section with 78 MOVIES with Images, only available as Downloads.



We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGES regularly




Towards the end of 2015 year and in early 2016 I did a series of 7 shoots in my old studio.

Why the rush?

Because the studio was sold in March 2016.

This movie was shot 20th October 2015.

A couple of months earlier Dee had ballooned to 11 stone! (see muddy movie WSM209).

At this shoot WSM216 Dee had trimmed to just over 10 stone.

Now it takes much determination with exercise and diet to lose weight in middle age.

Eventually she got down to 7 stone 3lbs which was far too thin for modeling (take a look at movie WSM153 with wet and slapstick, to see how painfully thin she was then!)

I think her best weight was 8 stone 3 lbs which you will eventually see in WSM movies WSM271 and WSM 272 (both river shoots).

But back to our current movie WSM216 which is all about taking an unusual product for sploshing.  Dee gets fully messy and goes from clothed to nude in a messy striptease!



A brand new Download HD Movie plus Image set

‘Dee with chopped Tomatoes’

Run-time 24 mins 41 secs


3 HD Streams in mp4 plus 2 HD Sample Clips in mp4


Stream 1 runs 8 mins 29 secs

Dee wears a sleeveless summery dress with white hold-up stockings and white knickers.

She produces a large tin of chopped tomatoes.

She pours it from a bowl over her arms.

Then some is tipped down her bust before being generously applied to the top of her dress.

Dee stands in a silver space ship paddling pool (still fantastic value in January 2020 at £11).

Dee rubs the tomato product over her arms, dress and legs

She kneels in the pool to continue applying the tomato mixture.

After 4 mins she pours some down her back causing a loud exclamation with the cold substance!

Sitting in the pool, the slow daubing continues.

She stands to show off the results.

At 6 mins she sits back down to swirl around the pool, spreading the messy tomato mainly on her legs and arms.

At 7 mins Dee sits in the pool and pours a bowl of tomatoes down her front.

Now she is getting really messy as she rubs the messy mix over her clothes and squirms around the pool.

More tomatoes go over her arms and the front of her dress – see CLIP 1.

Dee lies on her stomach for a squirm about in the mess, then she rolls on her back.

Her dress, arms and legs are now very messy.


Stream 2 runs 7 mins 33 secs

Dee stretches her legs while lying on her back in the pool.

She plays in the tomato mess in the bottom of the pool.

She continues to concentrate on her legs.

Kneeling down, chopped tomatoes rain down on her head completely messing up her hair, with a virtual torrent at times!

After 3 mins Dee sits back after that deluge.

She plays with her messy hair.

Kneeling up she takes a handful of tomatoes to apply to her face.

What a messy woman she now is, completely messed by tomatoes!

More facial daubing follows and her dress is now fully sodden with the tomato juices.

More hair play and a further tomato facial follow.

“Head to toe in tomatoes”, says Dee……..and she is right!

More messy tomato play follows with the emphasis on her hair.

She flounces her dress about before removing it at 6 mins 30 secs.

The topless Dee soon gets to work to coat her arms, boobs and front with the tomato mess.

She even pours some inside her knickers.

Dee sits back to continue to rub the tomato mess over her body.


Stream 3 runs 8 mins 39 secs

Lying in the messy base of the paddling pool, Dee slicks her body with the red tomato mix.

She continually moves about and the camera produces some good POV.

She energetically writhes about getting as messy as possible.

Sitting up she coats her legs, boobs and midriff before pouring some remaining tomato mix into her knickers – see CLIP 2.

She continues to keep daubing her body as she moves around the pool.

At 4-25 she removes her knickers for a further 4 minutes of nude play.

After an energetic roll around the pool, she settles down to a series of poses, with little left to the imagination.

But these are not static poses as Dee is never still and always moving.

With an appropriate messy ending Dee certainly answers all the questions about how messy she could get using that seldom used food substance – chopped Tomatoes!

And you do get plenty of messy Dee for your money in this movie which runs just on 25 minutes.


Image set S405 has 115 Enhanced Images (Full Screen) shots of Dee’s messy play.

There were far more pics shot, but repetition was a constant theme and the set was trimmed.

So we do have a very good record of Dee’s shoot and it is with a more unusual foodstuff.

But judge for yourself as we show you 5 sample shots from image set S405.


MOVIES WSM216 has 3 HD Streams running 24 mins 41 secs.


IMAGE SET S405 has 115 shots



£6-70  GBP

$9-00 USD

Euro 7.70


To Purchase HD movie WSM216 go to the Home page at  www.wsmprod.com then ‘Downloads – Online Store’ section, then ‘WSM Movies & Images’ and find
‘Dee with
chopped tomatoes’.



WSM wish to pay tribute to 12 models who featured in our updates from 2009 to 2015.

So for the next 12 weeks we will publish these tributes with their movies and recently enhanced image sets, and the movies and image sets are all available on our Subscription site.

So who is first up?

We commence with our Tribute to our Mature lady Gemma.

All these scenes were shot over a 3 month period June-August 2006.

Mum of 3 Gemma had not modeled before.

So these are somewhat unusual and special shots of a rather sexy lady.

With all the image sets now enhanced…..what a treat this is!



What do WSM always do?

Tell it as it is.

From time to time we move away from the genuine model girl into reality.

GEMMA is in her 30’s, not a model, just a mum who enjoys the wet and messy and approached WSM to do a shoot.

So put her in a pleasing location and as an amateur, this lady tries hard to please.

We threw away more pics than what survived, but we present 63 images of GEMMA in a stylish Jacuzzi, our Image set W223.

The images have had a makeover – see our samples with great wet sheen stocking shots!

Clad in her long gold dress, black thong, black suspenders and nylons, Gemma felt very special…..so she tried her best!

So why do we do this people?

Because in real life if you enjoy WETLOOK, what finer aspect can there be than to enjoy this with your own partner…….. but sadly not everyone is a glamour girl.

Of course it helps if your partner is as enthusiastic and willing as Gemma!

But if you never try…….you will never know!

So how did MILF Gemma perform?

See her sample Images below.


In addition to Image set W223 we also shot over 12 mins of video, our Movie Stream 3 of WSM014.

See Gemma enter the Jacuzzi in gold full length formal dress.

This is a wonderful leg show and if you like wet nylon stockings, glistening and gleaming with the water – well this is a must see!

And who understands the magnetic quality of stockings better than a mature lady?

So check out our sample Clip 3 from Movie WSM014 and see those wet stockings glisten!



We take another look at a further wet set shot with our mature amateur MILF model Gemma.

Gemma was dressed to leave when, admiring her outfit, I asked her to remove her bra and shoes and step into the shower!

It was not too difficult to persuade her!

The outcome was Image set W224 with 66 shots.

This set has been given a makeover and you can see the results in our sample shots below.

We show you 5 sample images.

Is Gemma your favourite MILF yet?


Of course we did video the shower scene so take a look at Stream 4 from Movie WSM014.

In this 14 minute Stream from Movie WSM014 Gemma shows great modeling qualities, becoming the wettest of ladies, before a full strip and some raunchy shots.

An enthusiastic performer!

Check out our sample Clip 4 from Movie WSM014 to see Gemma in her outfit in the shower.



Next we look at an oily set for some great Wetlook effect.

Image set S174 had 59 shots of mature lady Gemma’s oil play.

We have given this image set a makeover and enhanced the images increasing this set to 63 pics.

Check out these sample shots and see how suitable her clothes are for oily wetlook!

We show you 4 enhanced images from set S174.

A bit of Rod Stewart here as Gemma begs the question: ‘Do you think I’m Sexy?’


We did film this set and you can see 12 minutes under Stream 1 of movie WSM028.

Totally inexperienced Gemma tries out her clothed oil-bath.

Her outfit becomes very see-thru (see Clip below).

Finding the glare of the bright lights difficult, Gemma busies herself getting oil covered.

Her hair gets the oil treatment, then at 5 mins 35 secs her skirt is off.

At 8 mins 56 secs her blouse is off and exactly one minute later she removes her knickers.

At times Gemma is very self conscious, but the scene ends with some raunchy pussy shots.

Is Gemma your favourite MILF yet?



Mature lady GEMMA could not wait to try modeling.

Her 2nd set was in the custard, dressed in a black frilly party dress, suspenders, thong and wonderful black stockings – just designed for custard sleeking!

Sadly my film editor over-laid the actual sound with music that was far too loud!

But we do hear Gemma telling us that her custard experience was ‘so good’.

And it is!

Stream 2 is rather unusual for at 3 mins 55 secs I (the cameraman) throw a bowl of custard over her!  The scene ends with Gemma very custard covered and rather raunchy at the end.

Streams 1 and 2 of Movie WSM014 have 20 wonderful minutes of custard play!

So check out Clips 1 and 2 of WSM014 below to see sexy GEMMA in custard.


Image set S176 of GEMMA in the custard supports Movie WSM014.

The original image set S176 has been revamped from 48 to 56 enhanced shots.

Now you can see the detail and enjoy Gemma’s custard play.

My mentor always advised me to get in close to the subject, so these shots are….close!

Take a look at our 4 sample shots from set S176.

Is Gemma your favourite MILF yet?



Once GEMMA knew we had a ‘Muddiest Goalkeeper Competition’, she just had to enter!

Gemma was the 2nd competitor in our competition and wore a skirt rather than shorts.

This is superb wet, splashy yet very muddy action!

Opening and closing with interviews plus a very cold wash-off, Stream 4 of Movie WSM019 running 9 minutes is terrific wet and muddy fun!

If you have a membership you can see the full Stream 4 of Movie WSM019, for if you like muddy girls, this is a cracker with live sound (and no music!). 

We show Clip 3 from Movie WSM019 as Gemma defies the years to fling herself into the watery mud.


We have already published set M165 with 87 images of Gemma to support movie WSM019.

But now we have gone further.

We have enhanced all the images to full screen and also increased the number of shots from 87 to 105.

How good was it?

Well here are 5 sample shots so you can see!

Is Gemma your favourite MILF yet?


Now all 5 of our Tribute movies and Image sets are available on our Subscription site.

How much does it cost?  You are in for a surprise!


We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £ Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.

The Subscription site does not include access to new movie/images Downloads in the Online Store, which we have added during the previous two years, or any XXX movies.

Movies and Image sets added to the WSM Online Store under ‘WSM Movies & Images’ are added also to the Subscription site, 2 years after being posted as a Download. 

Look at the JOIN NOW page to see our great value for 30 day, 3 month and 6 monthly Subscriptions as for a Subscription you can access:

319 Movies averaging 30 minutes each, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies and 95 Custard Couple Movies, (which include 30 joint productions with WSM),

15 vintage movies and 191 normal WSM movies (excluding 30 duplicated joint production movies with Custard Couple).

PLUS 54,311 Images in 496 sets (being 176 W + 231 S + 89 M).

But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.

Click here to see the amazing value Join costs!



Worried about the coronavirus?

Well if you are unfortunate to have to self isolate, then do isolate yourself with your computer.

Then you can spend a very modest sum to join the WSM Subscription site.

In 14 days you will struggle to get through 319 movies and 496 image sets.

So do not suffer in silence but let WSM entertain you!





20th March As my time for signing off with WSM draws nearer, it is long overdue that the ‘ABOUT US’ section was brought up to date, so people understand how the WSM website has been built, what has been achieved and our current objectives.


27th March In 2017 we discovered movie XXX026 of Custard Couple’s sequel to ‘The Dressing Game’ shot in Sept. 2012. This XXX movie runs 29 mins plus 146 images.  So suddenly we make CC over 5 years younger and this is very, very hot, a true XXX movie and very well worth this further review.


3rd April Mrs. CC features in Mud Slut 10 ‘after dinner muddying’ as movie CC92 becomes the 81st movie to be released to the Subscription site, including 66 enhanced images in set M225.  The normal movie CC92 runs 19 mins but when we add the XXX conclusion, movie XXX073 runs 23 mins (which includes the normal movie) plus a further 31 XXX enhanced images in set M225XXX.  


10th April Mrs. CC becomes a chocolate Easter bunny in 26 minute movie WSM170 (WSM number) or CC37 (CC number).  Add in a wonderful 231 enhanced images in set S344 and this should prove your most tasty Easter treat!


17th April Mature brunette Dee tests another chocolate spread product named ‘NUTSY’.

  21 minute HD movie WSM208 plus 98 images in set S386.

After spending two years as a Download movie, this is the 82nd movie now released to the Subscription site.


24th April Time for another new movie!

  We see Mrs. CC in Mud Slut 14 HD movie CC155 which runs 15 minutes.

  Mrs. CC sets out to mud destroy a designer leather skirt.

This movie does end with a XXX scene, but as it is so brief we are including it in movie XXX050 Sex Quickies, which we hope to publish by the end of this year.

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