10th December 2021

WHAT’S NEW as at 10th December 2021

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

Now with 40 YEARS of TRADING

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


We celebrate our 40th Birthday with some important announcements.

  1.  For the first time ever we are giving a Birthday/Xmas Holiday 50% discount on selected movies – see movie offer below.
  2. After discussions with Messmaster WSM will be added to the UMD Subscription Membership site.  Watch out for details.
  3. After 12 years of weekly updates it is time to take things easier.

So from 1st January 2022 WSM will update this website fortnightly.


WSM have been on a long journey.

This has been a crusade to spread the word about WSM, now commonly termed WAM.

A few weeks ago we summarized our achievements answering the question:

How many MOVIES appear on the WSM website?

There are 343 movies (being 167 SD and 176 HD) on our Subscription site.

Add on 88 XXX movies available by paid download only.

Add on 28 new movies available only as paid downloads during their first two years of publication

Add 9 Vintage Films which are offered as 50 paid Download Streams

So an overall total of 468 movies.

Our estimate is that in a further 18 months we shall achieve 500 movies in total.



This offer runs until 31st December 2021.

We offer a range of HD movies covering W, S and M plus XXX all offered at 50% discount.

We start with a movie that covers W, S and M which is offered as both a normal and XXX movie.


Movie XXX085 Custard Couple in Mrs. CC as Alice in WSM Land      

plus image sets W401 (no XXX here), S434XXX and M233XXX

    Current prices    £9-50 GBP or $14-20 USD or Euro 12-00

Discounted prices    £4-75 GBP or $7-10 USD or Euro 6-00


The normal movie details are:

Movie WSM240 (WSM ref no) OR CC125 (CC ref no) Custard Couple in Mrs. CC as Alice in     WSM Land – plus Image sets W401, S434 and M233

Current prices    £8-20 GBP or $12-20 USD or Euro10-00

Discounted prices £4-10 GBP or $6-10 USD or Euro 5-00


   WSM263-CC157    Girl-girl messy fun with Angel Delights – plus image set S464

Current prices £8-10 or $10-90 or Euro 9-30

Discounted prices   £4-05 or $5-45 or Euro 4-65


   CC147    Mrs. CC -  car wash in yellow dress & white undies – plus image set W424

Current price £7-10 or $9-60 or Euro 8-20

Discounted prices   £3-55 or $4-80 or Euro 4-10


    WSM195-CC74    Two wet schoolgirls Mrs. CC and Dee – plus image set W357

Current price    £6-90 or $9-30 or Euro 7-90

Discounted prices  £3-45 or $4-65 or Euro 3-95


    WSM203    Dee is a very muddy dancer – plus image set M220

Current prices £6-60 or $9-90 or Euro 8-60

Discounted prices £3-30 or $4-95 or Euro 4-30


Movie CC137    The 12 WSM Days of Xmas –  plus 12 image sets

Current prices  £10-00 GBP or $15-00 USD or Euro 13-00

   Discounted prices   £5-00 GBP or $7-50 USD  or  Euro 6-50


    WSM223    Honour May 1st messy shoot Chocolate Swirl – plus image set S420

    Current prices £6-40 or $9-60 or Euro 8-30

Discounted prices £3-20 or $4-80 or Euro 4-15


XXX026    CC sequel to the Dressing Game! – plus image set S313XXX

Current prices £8-20 or $11-10 or Euro 9-40

Discounted prices £4-10 or $5-55 or Euro 4-70


XXX049    Custard Couple SLAPSTICK SEX IN MEADOW – plus image set S376XXX

Current prices  £8-40 or $11-30 or Euro 9-70

Discounted prices  £4-20 or $5-65 or Euro 4-85


Where do you find the above movies plus more information on their content?

Please go to our Home Page at https://www.wsmprod.com

Then to ‘Downloads – Online Store’

All normal movies appear under “WSM Movies & Images”

All XXX movies appear in “XXX Section”

All Discounted Movies have a special 40th Birthday symbol so highlighting them.

Look out for this symbol on the 7 normal movies and 3 XXX movies.



Please Click this Link to be taken to our UMD Store.


We offer 4 movies which can be found on pages:

Page 4    Mrs.Cc IS Wet Marilyn    movie CC43 plus image set W323    current price $9-50    discounted price $4-75

Page 2    Food 9 the Ultimate Slapstick with Big Boobs Jenny   movie WSM124 plus image set S292

current price $10-50  discounted price $5-25

Page 2   Mud Fun – Dee in Sexy White Nightie on Muddy Beach      movie WSM168 plus image set M205

current price $9-60  discounted price $4-80

Page 1  Mrs.CC Becomes a Custard and Treacle Tart  -m xxx HD Mov -        movie XXX045 + image set S390XXX

current price $11-10  discounted price $5-55



We feature just 2 Streams from our range of 50 Streams of our 9 Vintage Films.

Note that these are in SD (Standard Definition) format.

Vintage Film 4 WSM’LL FIX IT – Stream 4 Run-time 12 mins 09 secs

Slapstick – Carol and Debbie really enjoying their desserts in one of the messiest restaurant scenes we ever filmed!

Current price    £5-00 or $8-00 or Euro 6-60

Discounted prices  £2-50 or $4-00 or Euro 3-30

Click here to purchase


Vintage Film 6  MUCKY KIND OF MAGIC – Stream 1 Run-time 13 mins 30 secs

Messy introduction plus Song – This features Lorraine accompanied by our song.

Wet – The Great Pervo (Bill Shipton) assisted by Titania performs magic tricks and the jug of water illusion.

Mud – It is showdown at the Yuckee Corral as Mary & Calamity Lorraine wrestle it out to see who is leaving town!

Current price    £4-00 or $6-40 or Euro 5-30

Discounted prices  £2-20 or $3-20 or Euro 2-65

Click here to purchase




It started under the name of WET SHOTS just selling slide sets.

John Swindail from Stoke-on-Trent and Mike Ellison entered into a partnership from 1st October 1981.

The first retail sale of £63.03 was banked 3rd December 1981 at Barclays Bank, 36 Town Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.

And did the world embrace this new concept of slide images?

With sales of £6,170 to 30th September 1982, in a world without any internet……I would say they did!

So our birth date is 3rd December 1981.(Oops!  I have taken my weekly updates start date of 10th December in error!)

The business was successful but occupied too much of John Swindail’s time.

I remain in contact with John Swindail who was given a life membership of WSM in 2020.


This is an extract of a letter from USA from Craig Leedom dated 10th March 1982.

‘Hallelujah that you found me!  You are the sort of person many of us have been hoping for and searching for, for many years.  I totally admire your approach to our hobby or fetish of wet and messy girls in nice clothing.  Thank you for your kind remarks about my entry in NIGHT & DAY magazine about 1956.  That was my wife Marcia from whom I am now divorced as of 1976.  The magazine became defunct immediately after that and we never did get the camera prize’.

And this was the image that grabbed my attention back in 1959!



July 1982 saw a new partner Mike Whyman and the Wet Shots address changed to Peterborough from 1st September 1982.

Remember that the business was providing colour slides only.

This is what Mike Whyman wrote to me on 3rd November 1982:

‘I have received another £315 worth of orders.  It does not show any sign of tailing off yet on this latest (mailed-out) supplement.  I am about 30 orders and 8 days in arrears at the moment.  By working all over each weekend I just about manage to catch up, but then come Monday morning it all starts again. The postmen have started asking ‘What is Wet Shots?’ They don’t believe all these orders coming from USA, Canada, Australia and Europe.  I will keep them guessing!

How much for sample shots then?

A set of 6 cost £3.48 for a single girl or £4.18 for two girls.

A normal set of 18 slides cost £9.00 for a single girl and £10.80 for two girls.

Multiply those figures by 4 to get some idea of a present day cost!


But Mike Whyman and myself grew apart so I ended our association on 31st March 1984.

He made a fatal mistake by deciding to retain copyright and offer Wet Shots minimal publishing rights.

A simple solution to that…..take back control and do it yourself!

And Mike Whyman?  He disappeared!


By 1984 we had changed our name to WSM Productions.

And who chose the name of WSM Productions?

No, not me, not John Swindail, not Professor Treacle.

It was our cameraman and film editor Shaun Kendall.


I just came across a letter dated 26th Sept 1982 stating “Gentlemen, keep up the good work.  If you ever want any freelance writing done – drop me a line!  I look forward to hearing from you”.  Signed Clive Harris (who was the Chief Sub-Editor of MAYFAIR Magazine), better known to us as Bill Shipton!

I met-up with Clive (now renamed as Bill Shipton ) 11th March 1989 at the 1st Aquantics Convention held at the Harbour Heights Hotel (now converted to flats!) in Tenby, South Wales.

Bill had decided to launch a wet and messy magazine under the name of ‘Splosh’.

WSM girls Carol and Debbie provided the ‘splosh’ entertainment that time (see image set S058).

Bill formed a good working relationship with Shaun Kendall (the WSM film editor) and they went on to make the ‘Buff’ range of videos.

Bill’s writing and comic skills were well apparent, so WSM signed him up as our script-writer and Bill produced the scripts for the WSM Vintage Films numbers 3 to 9.

In fact, it was better than that, as Bill was only too happy to show his versatility by taking a number of roles in the videos.  So Bill had real ‘hands-on’ experience in the 90’s.

Bill’s 1st issue of Splosh magazine was shot in the basement of the Harbour Heights Hotel, Tenby in March 1989.  WSM assisted Bill by supplying much material for issues 2 through to 11.

There were 40 magazine issues of Splosh.


Our first movie started filming 18th August 1985 at a farm in Somerset.

Professor Treacle wrote the script and suggested the title name ‘The Hopeful Starlet’.

The result was the first commercially produced WAM video.

And ‘The Hopeful Starlet’ is still available under www.wsmprod.com within the ‘Downloads – Online Store’ under Digital Download – VINTAGE FILMS (Vintage Film 1).

Our Vintage Films (9 of them) are different from our usual WSM movies.

These are 60 minute full feature films certificated by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) that cost £75,000 in total.  That is why we make a charge for each Download.

But these are certainly pioneering Vintage Films that set a foundation for the WAM explosion to come.

The final Vintage Film 9 was shot in 1999 but this had a normal plus an XXX alternative version, with

cameraman and editor David Wilkey of Artscene/Aquantics fame.  WSM9 ran almost 2 hours.

In the next few weeks we will be re-reviewing Vintage Film 9 titled ‘Sex WSM’ having started on a weekly review of the Vintage Films with Vintage Film 1, Stream 1 on 1st January 2021.



Each decade brought its own challenges for we have covered:

1980’s Colour Slides

1990’s  VHS tapes

2000’s DVD’s

2010’s Downloads

OR those 40 years may be split between Pre and Post Websites.

But the most important thing is what you have done in those 40 years!

And over-riding each age are the IMAGE SETS.

The Image sets do set WSM apart from many other sites as we still prize them rather than decline them.


Basically, 3 people.

We are speaking about NOW not the past.

Leader, website composition, future sets timetable, organizer and blogger….Mike Ellison, based in Merseyside.

Film Editor is Steve Lowery, former manager of Yorkshire Studios in Keighley, West Yorkshire.

Steve now resides in Spain but continues to be our movie editor.

Our Webhost and technical wizard is based in Romania (part of the EU).

We will not name him but he is a very integral part of our team!

Why Romania?

Because in the UK anything Adult is on paper totally taboo, but in reality people have moved to a position of greater tolerance of sexuality and all its facets.



We first introduced a website back in 2001.

So who influenced WSM to start our own website?

Some may think it was Bill Shipton of ‘Splosh’ fame.

But not so.

Bill always struggled with the new technology but he was a brilliant writer and ideas man.

The reality was that Rob Blaine had convinced me in the late 90’s that websites were the only way forward.

Rob Blaine was the greatest American WAM man of the 20th Century.

Just as Bill Shipton was the greatest UK WAM man of the 20th Century.



Only one answer to this – PEOPLE.

Each decade brings it own characters.

In the 80’s and 90’s who can forget:

Eve and her custard filled bath in 1984.

Jane from Essex adding her interpretation on Mike’s crazy ideas.

Carol and Debbie two Liverpool girls who epitomized every mans’ dream of the sexy girl next door.

Wendy and Suzanne’s encounter with Professor Treacle in the 1st Vintage movie.

Professor Treacle himself brimming with ideas and enthusiasm and always looking for a sploshing.

Ace tormenting Carol in the Spy that Gunged me!  (see Vintage Film 6 Stream 6).

Then moving to a new millennium with:

The introduction of XXX to sploshing with Professor Treacle demonstrating the art notably with mature ladies Sue, Sandie and Anne France

Steven and his lovely Chinese wife Jade

Wonderful WSM girls with Mel, Demi, Gemma, Becky, Jenny

That fantastic 18th Birthday with Kimyl and Betty

Sue Scarlett and the messy wrestling girls

The fantastic mature Dee

The even more fantastic mature Mrs. Custard Couple (plus her hubby)

Thai lady Mai experiencing her first WAM

And a girl who is now an established porn star, but who started off her modeling with WSM – we refer to the fabulous Honour May.

Roger and Joyce Carpenter from Tenby for their hospitality, support for our work and friendship.

Sadly we cannot mention everyone but that gives a flavor of what 40 years have brought to WSM.



Who remembers our Home Page from November 2011?

2011-11-25_Home Page Appendix H

And this is how we introduced our ‘ABOUT US’ page in November 2011.

2011-11-25_About Us part 1 Appendix J

 What an understatement in the final sentence on that page which reads!!!

‘During 2011 we have recruited an Amateur WAM couple who are contributing to the WSM website as CUSTARD COUPLE.

It was 3rd June 2011 that Custard Couple associated with WSM to contribute regularly to our website.

They had already made some great WAM photo shoots.

Why did they appeal so much to WSM?

Because they cover all our spectra of W, S and M.

What a magnificent association this has been!

Custard Couple are the best mature WAM couple in the world!

Some claim…..but what a couple!

During 2021 we celebrated 10 years of our association with the length and content of our partnership continuing to surprise and delight us.

And the logo that Custard Couple adopted in 2011 was “Real fun for real people”.

For that is what WAM should be…..FUN!



Where did my affinity for WAM come from?

I have little doubt that my fetish was shaped by childhood events.

So it has turned out that I am an ordinary geezer with an extraordinary vision!

But it is quite another thing to have this fabulous insight into WAM and then to decide to do something about it!

So what potential market did I see when I set off in 1981?

This was nigh impossible to predict.

But I did believe in 20,000 followers worldwide and eventually the internet made the impossible possible!

But sadly this has proven to be an over-exaggeration of what is a minor fetish.

You only need to look at any website offering sex categories to see that WAM just does not figure.

Even on the UMD Forums a top response will only attract at best half my anticipated figure.

But the good news is that the response/interest rate is growing, so all my foundation work has not been in vain!

As one of the men who started it all, I have few regrets in shaping it into a sexy, erotic site providing fun for followers.

And do I get those descriptions right?  Oh yes!

But it continues to be a challenge to remain relevant especially as my models have matured like myself.

And WAM is a subject that everyone can contribute to.

We have a basic divide between voyeurs and participators.

And many people have their own very narrow channel of interest.

Nothing wrong with that as we are all different!

I am almost timed out by virtue of age and dependency on others.

Currently WSM has published 468 movies, so let me aim to try to get to the big 500!

But I state this more in hope than expectation!


Thank you all for being with me on part of my journey!


Mike Ellison


Next week WSM will publish Part 2 of Custard Couples’ Panto ‘Beauty and the Beast’ with great pageant and even greater mess!  This is movie WSM280-CC200.

There will also be an alternative version being movie XXX094.

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