WHAT’S NEW as at 9th July 2021
OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017
Now in our 40TH Year of continuous WAM Production
We are the oldest WAM business in the world!
Life continues to return to normal in the UK as the Coronavirus did subside enough for our cafes, restaurants and pubs to re-open indoors from 17th May 2021.
Soon we may have full restoration of our former total freedoms despite a current upsurge in infections!
WSM have 337 Movies (being 167 SD and 170 HD) in our Subscription site.
In addition there are now 522 image sets (184 W + 242 S + 96 M).
To see our Subscription site go to our Home Page at https://www.wsmprod.com
There you can look at our ‘Subscription Movies’ with Clips and a listing of our ‘Subscription Images’. What you see is what you can get.
Our current Subscription offer is absurd!
337 movies at less than 10p each or $13.35 cents or 11.57 Euro cents!!!
522 image sets for nothing!
Change will come from 1st October this year.
And our Movies include many Downloads covering Wet, Slapstick, Muddy and XXX.
These Downloads are listed on our Home Page under ‘Downloads – Online Store’.
This week we have three items:
- It is now 8 years since we lost Bill Shipton, the man who introduced the term ‘Splosh’ into our language. One thing WSM have not commented on was Bill’s creation of the Splosh magazine. As a person who holds all 40 editions it is time to comment!
- We take another look at Custard Couple (CC) in Role Play.
This week (CC) are James Bond and Miss Messypenny, as she is rescued from the evil Sploshfinger in 49 minute movie WSM133 or CC09.
In this production the XXX content is hived off to make a separate 13 minute movie XXX013.
- This week we reach the end of Vintage Film 5, ‘Another Fine Mess’ with Stream 4.
After the producer and Director criticizes his own work (it is Mud Magic featuring 3 witches), there is a great 2 girl Paint sketch to conclude.
SEE ALSO OUR DOWNLOADS – ONLINE STORE on Home Page-no membership required.
Click on movie and page down for full description and sample images, for
PLUS 127 New ‘WSM Movies & Images’ with 3/4ths available on the Subscription site.
PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads
and XXX section with 84 MOVIES with Images, only available as Downloads.
We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGE sets.
There are now 121 movies posted in our UMD Store
10 additions have been made in 2021
Next up is Slapstick movie WSM002 with Jade and Steven in Mayonnaise Fun outdoors, plus image set S100, due up on 23rd July.
Memberships of our Website extending for up to 6 months are available.
We now have 337 Movies (including 105 CC) plus 522 Image sets for instant access.
Some bargain that!
But this will not last and change will be made from 1st October 2021.
I (Mike Ellison) first met Bill under his true name of Clive Harris in 1983.
He was the presenter of a custard pie caper held at a venue near Hammersmith, London.
I next remember meeting him a year or two later, this time hosting a mud wrestling event on the 1st floor of a pub also down London’s West End.
As a freelance writer, he had many fingers in many pies, but was a dynamic, yet irreverent, innovator.
I next met Clive (now renamed as Bill Shipton ) 11th March 1989 at the 1st Aquantics Convention held at the Harbour Heights Hotel (now converted to flats!) in Tenby, South Wales.
Bill had decided to launch a wet and messy magazine under the name of ‘Splosh’.
WSM girls Carol and Debbie provided the ‘splosh’ entertainment that time (see image set S058 which i last reviewed on 6th December 2019, but you can view 4 pics by going to www.wsmprod.com ‘What’s New’, then paging back under ‘Older posts’ to 6th December 2019 (sorry no video of this shoot).
Bill formed a good working relationship with Shaun Kendall (the WSM film editor) and they went on to make the ‘Buff’ range of videos.
Bill’s writing and comic skills were well apparent, so WSM signed him up as our script-writer and Bill produced the scripts for the WSM Vintage Films numbers 3 to 9.
In fact, it was better than that, as Bill was only too happy to show his versatility by taking a number of roles in the videos. So Bill had real ‘hands-on’ experience in the 90’s.
Bill started his Splosh website as a haven for many WAM inclined people who had lived uncertain and lonely lives. He was the accepted reassuring face of WAM and a means of connecting like minded peoples. This was successful but sadly there was no inbuilt legacy as to who was to pick up the torch.
But this Tribute’s purpose is to look at his work in creating the Splosh magazine.
Bill’s 1st issue of Splosh magazine was shot in the basement of the Harbour Heights Hotel in Tenby.
WSM assisted Bill by supplying content for Splosh issues 2 through to 11.
But Bill realized at the end of the 90’s that a new phenomena was changing the world.
So the internet made magazine production too costly and sales fell away.
But what a remarkable talent Bill had to put together a new magazine and manage to produce 40 issues.
Now, 8 years after Bill’s passing let us take a nostalgic trip as I look at Splosh magazine issues 1 to 10.
Issue 1 had a black and white cover but a coloured middle section with Mirrel and Zeta in the basement of the Harbour Heights Hotel (which was run by Colin Twyford – see article on Colin in Issue 2).
The cover pic was of model Karen ‘coated in custard and ketchup’. Why that pic? No idea!