WHAT’S NEW as at 7th October 2016
A New Slapstick Download HD Movie as we are invited to ‘The Wedding Feast’ of Axajay and Gary Gunge with either:
Normal movie WSM234 running 50 mins plus 319 Enhanced Images in set S432
OR as XXX movie XXX055 with a further 7 mins of Blowjob play plus a further 58 XXX images as S432XXX.
Plus a new Retro Wet image set W036 from 1981 as Jane retrieves her hat from a small river (35 shots).
Also in this Update:
An outdoor messy set S246 ‘Squirt & Squeeze Tomato Sauce & Mayo,’ with 80 shots of Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) in a meadow.
One of the first ever Wet sets commissioned with only 15 shots of Cherry taking a bath in a black negligee, new image set W018.
There are 239 movies and 398 image sets available for the price of a Subscription.
These include Jane’s river shoot, Mrs. CC’s messy fun and Cherry’s bath set.
We still take Subscriptions to our Website – Memberships extending for up to 6 months are available.
We also have a UMD STORE and transfer MOVIES and IMAGES weekly
SEE ALSO THE WSM ONLINE STORE (no membership required)
PLUS 44 WSM Movies with Images, only available as Downloads
PLUS 16 Movies with Images transferred from the Subscription Website and now also available as Downloads.
and XXX section with 46 MOVIES with Images Downloads, only available as Downloads
A new movie as Gary Gunge takes his new bride Axajay for the wedding feast!
This Slapstick HD movie is offered either as:
1. A normal movie WSM234 running 50 mins with 5 Clips and 5 Streams, plus 319 images as set S432.
2. As an XXX movie XXX055 running 7 mins with a single Stream, plus 58 XXX images, set S432XXX .
NOTE – the above Normal and XXX movies are separate and their sizes are shown. But in the Online Store XXX Section, movie XXX055 will include both the normal and XXX and so will run 56 mins 44 secs plus contain 377 images.
But to see the XXX write-up, you need to go to the Online Store XXX Section under ‘The Wedding Feast’ movie XXX055.
A brand new HD Movie plus Image set

Axajay & Gary Gunge – the Wedding Feast
Movie WSM234
Run-time 50 mins 02 secs
5 Sample Clips in HD
5 Streams in HD
A tough ask!
Pick a wedding date and turn up regardless of a breezy cool day!
With a single cameraman on movie and 35mm (keep those overheads low!)
But a wonderful large food spread (even if it is spread over a hillside!)
The sparks have flown between Axajay (Axa) and Gary Gunge (Gary), see earlier published movies:
WSM174 – Download Axa meets Mr. Nasty
WSM217 – Download Axa unmasks Mr. Nasty
Some great timing, sploshing and ad-libbed remarks in this new movie.
This pair must have studied Laurel and Hardy!
If you like Slapstick and mess in the great outdoors, then sit back and enjoy a fabulous 50 minutes of action!
This is the normal movie and the XXX content is omitted (see movie XXX055 for Stream 6 Blowjob XXX addition).
Stream 1 – runs 10 mins 03 secs
We commence with Axa in her wedding dress and Gary in a suit and tie.
Their friends have put a spread on for them!
There is no marquee!
They could not even pick a day that was bright and sunny!
Just a spread of food on the hillside! See sample pic 1.
It could have been a 6 tiered wedding cake, but we do have 6 separate cakes.
Gary gets Frijj drinks to ‘toast’ each other – see CLIP 1
Of course Gary spills the drink over Axa’s dress…….so she retaliates.
And so the messiness begins.
Axa says she married Gary because she does find it fun to get messy!
The love is an afterthought!
But they do love playing messy tricks on each other!
Axa yells away as Gary says ‘he loves it!’
He pours custard over Axa’s wedding dress to put the colour back!
This is cultured sploshing as the repartee flows between them.
But as a marriage of equals, Axa demands her turn to splosh Gary.
She spreads custard over his suit and loosens his tie.
What are you going to treat me with next, Axa asks?
Stream 2 – runs 10 mins 10 secs
She soon finds out as Gary pours custard over her head before the custard goes inside her dress causing her to shriek!
Axa takes her revenge with cold chocolate milk over his head and inside his shirt.
‘I must be mad!’ says Gary.
‘What! To marry me? asks Axa.
‘Why did I marry a woman who has a really sadistic nature?’ asks Gary.
I think we find the answer as Gary pours the cold chocolate milk over Axa’s head!
Next, we go to ‘starters’ as Gary pours tomato soup over Axa who takes shelter under the veil of her dress. Then he throws tomato soup at her.
Axa taunts him! ‘See how good your aim is!
We find the answer in Clip 2– see Clip 2.
See also sample pic 2.
Axa reveals her heels and stockings and Gary cannot resist the whiteness as he coats her legs in tomato soup. Then it is Gary’s turn for the soup.
He receives a large pie on the back of his suit jacket then a smaller pie in his face.
Then Gary delivers a small pie to Axa’s face.
This provokes her to pour another cold chocolate milk over his head.
Then Gary takes delight in pouring a chocolate milk down her back and knickers!
Stream 3 – runs 9 mins 29 secs
Axa wants further pies.
A ketchup pie is splattered on her covered boob and she is liberally sprayed with tomato ketchup.
Then Axa sprays Gary with the ketchup.
We see all the remaining foodstuffs!
Axa gives Gary syruped tongue kisses.
Raspberry and chocolate pies go on her boobs over her dress.
Gary splashes her front with more chocolate milk.
Gary pours custard down the top of her dress, before revealing her boobs– see Clip 3.
He takes the opportunity to lick her boobs.
Gary’s jacket comes off and Axa coats his shirt in custard.
She stands up and steps out of her wedding dress.
The wind roars its approval!
Gary sets about her legs with more custard, then puts custard inside her knickers –
see sample pic 3.
He removes her heels and smears custard on her bum.
Axa applies custard to Gary and puts some down the back of his pants.
Stream 4 – runs 9 mins 30 secs
The action continues in the wind as Gary applies a chocolate cake to Axa’s boob before licking it.
Axa returns the favour but surprises Gary – see Clip 4.
Gary decorates a small chocolate/raspberry cake with custard.
‘Give it to me baby!’ says Axa.
So Gary does, rubbing it firmly into her face, then her boobs.
Then Axa splatters Gary with yogurt then custard.
Gary shows he is a great shot with the yogurts before pouring tomato soup over Axa’s head –
see sample pic 4.
She removes the jacket so Gary takes aim at a ‘nice clean back’, covering her with tomato soup, followed by yogurt.
He pulls her knickers open and puts yogurt over her bum.
Axa taunts Gary to put what he wants in her ‘big fill knickers!’
Tomato soup goes down the back of her knickers as Axa exhorts ‘Fill em up!’
She removes Gary’s shirt before splattering his clean back with yogurt and custard.
His chest gets tomato soup then yogurt.
A carton of custard goes over Gary.
He removes his shoes and trousers.
Axa applies topping syrup to his legs.
Gary applies the topping syrup to her boobs, before Axa does her customary boob smother in Gary’s face.
Stream 5 – runs 10 mins 50 secs
Gary brings a large cake as Axa removes her knickers and sits on the cake (twice).
He brings a large chocolate cake. Axa brilliantly sidetracks him before rubbing it firmly in Gary’s face.
He applies the rest of the cake to her bum, then her legs and back.
Axa takes a large cake with cherries and tamely passes it to Gary. We see the outcome– see Clip 5.
Gary pours two tins of tomato soup over her boobs.
Axa is only clad in stockings and suspenders.
Gary deluges her with yogurt over her head and boobs.
Then he sploshes her with two tins of custard.
They enjoy pushing pies over each other.
‘Can I have a big cake? Asks Axa.
It goes straight into her bum.
Gary has to remove her garter with his teeth while Axa showers him with custard.
We end with the classic stand-off with each holding a large cake ready to splat the other!
No fudging here as we get two bullseye shots right in the face! – see sample pic 5.
They end up cold and very well splattered!
The action now continues in movie XXX055.
MOVIE WSM234 has 5 HD Streams running 50 mins 02 secs.
IMAGE SET S432 has 319 shots
We show you 5 sample images from this set.
£6-50 GBP
$10-00 USD
Euro 8.00
To Purchase go to movie WSM234 in the ‘WSM Movies and Images’ section in the Online Store under ‘The Wedding Feast’.
To see Write-Up or to Purchase movie XXX055 (being the XXX addition to movie WSM234) go to ‘XXX Section’ in the Online Store to ‘The Wedding Feast’ which offers both the normal movie plus the XXX together and runs 57 minutes.
RETRO IMAGE SET W036 shot 1981
I have been going on about my large collection of slides for many a year.
So here we go with the first of a new batch of unseen slide sets.
The first image set W036 has 35 shots.
A bit like looking at silent movies, but this set is images only and no movie.
Shot in 1981 it does give detailed evidence about model behavior at that time.
Quite cute in its own way, but it joins the other Jane Wet sets we hold, namely:
W002, W003, W014, W015, W016, W026 and W033.
Jane lived in Essex.
See if Jane appeals as we show 3 sample shots from new image set W036.
We look again at image set ‘Squirt & Squeeze’ from our WAM amateur couple CUSTARD COUPLE (CC).
In addition to their obvious delight in indulging in all things wet and messy, what further impresses is their great enjoyment of outdoor shoots.
Image set S246 has 80 images and was CC’s 13th published image set with WSM.
Dressed in a micro mini PVC dress, with white corset, white stockings, white suspenders and white knickers, not forgetting her pink heels, we see the bold Mrs. CC in a field.
The ‘squeeze’ begins with the mayonnaise.
Mrs. CC plays with a couple of balloons while sat on a stool in the middle of a field.
Mrs. CC daubs herself with mayo.
Then the dress is opened and her boobs and knickers smeared.
Continuing the ‘squeeze’, tomato sauce is then applied.
She does her best to get it all over her, even in her hair!
Then her dress is removed and more tomato sauce and mayo applied over her eager body.
Her boobs have now been released and revel in the outdoors and the foodstuffs.
The ‘squirt’ is from a canister of squirty cream which Mrs. CC shoots over her boobs then into her mouth!
There are a few great shots of her mouth brimming with white cream!
Then the cream is rubbed into her body.
Next, Mrs. CC poses messily in the field proudly displaying her exposed boobs.
Finally, a quick rinse off and a hair shampoo.
This saucy, daring set shows Mrs. CC at her best!
We show you 5 sample shots from set S246 so you can see Mrs. CC’s bravado!
RETRO IMAGE SET W018 shot 1978
How do you start to put together an idea?
You look for someone to interpret your thoughts and produce some test shots.
This must be one of my very earliest commissioned test sets.
Shot in 1978 it started to put some flesh on the bones of a ‘Wet Shots’ idea.
Yes it is totally rudimentary.
The model and the photography would win no prizes, yet it was a door opener for me.
Ok, so it still took another couple of years before the decision was made to set up a business and commence offering ‘Wet Shots’ slides.
So, every picture tells a story is indeed a prophetic saying.
We publish set W018 of Cherry with 15 shots merely as a record.

We continue to take SUBSCRIPTION payments in £Sterling, US dollars and Euros, for membership of the WSM Website.
We do occasionally add Subscription updates as we do today with new retro Image sets W018 of Cherry from 1978 plus W036 of Jane from 1981.
The Subscription Website does not include access to new movie/images Downloads in the Online Store, which we have been adding since April 2015.
Look at the JOIN NOW page to see our great value for 30 day, 3 month and 6 monthly Subscriptions as for a Subscription you can access:
239 Movies averaging 31 minutes each, including 18 Messy Wrestling Movies and 55 Custard Couple Movies, (which include 21 joint productions with WSM),
11 vintage movies and 155 normal WSM movies.
PLUS 39,578 Images in 398 sets.
But if you want to see all these Movies and Image sets, then you need to take a Subscription to become a Member.
Click here to see Join costs!
1st October 2016 should be a significant date for WSM.
I have long hankered after doing a shoot of this genre.
What can it be?
Yes, it did happen!
We have a Girl/Girl shoot featuring Mrs. Custard couple with Honour May.
No prizes for guessing the foodstuff used!
Look out for movie WSM242/CC132 plus image set S440.
14th Oct Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) in ‘Slippy Cooking Oil’, movie CC88 plus image set S402.
PLUS we look again at our biggest image set published under M for Mud. Of course it is an outdoor set, but who and where?
21st Oct Movie WSM175 and image sets M208 & M209 in preparation as Jade mudlarks again in the black, peaty, oily stream.
Image set M199 with Mrs. Custard Couple (CC) as Mud Slut 3, shot in an open field. This image set will be added to the Subscription site as the corresponding 35 minute movie CC21 was published Sept 2014.
Who featured in our biggest published oil image set? The answer surprised me and should surprise you!
28th Oct Jade’s 2nd and final movie mudlarking in the black silty, peaty, oily mud.
Movie WSM175 plus many 35mm images in sets M208 and M209.
New retro image set W069 with 40 shots as Ali is drenched indoors.
Published retro image set W070 of Ali wet in lounge & bath is revised from 34 to 48 shots.
4th Nov CC in their most hardcore and outrageous movie yet as Mrs. CC obeys ‘My Masters Orders’ with piss, oil, custard and mud. To be released only as a XXX version with movie XXX056 plus images.
Who features in our biggest published Mud Wrestling image set?
This outdoor set is revealed.
11th Nov Thai lady Mai gets painted in outdoor shoot plus some XXX.
Movie WSM230 plus image set S428.
18th Nov Time for a wet fun movie as Mrs. CC rides her bike crazily in ‘Wet Adventure’, movie CC90 plus image set W373.
PLUS we have upgraded Vintage Film 1 ‘The Hopeful Starlet’ released as the first commercial WAM movie in the world. Stream 4 runs 11 mins 25 secs (major item ‘Slapstick’) and will be updated in the Online Store.
25th Nov Dee tests new chocolate spread product Nutcity.
Movie WSM194 plus image set S378
PLUS we have upgraded Vintage Film 1 ‘The Hopeful Starlet’ released as the first commercial WAM movie in the world. Stream 5 runs 12 mins 25 secs (major item ‘Slapstick’) and will be updated in the Online Store.