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Custard Couple - Caught by the Wife

Run-time 19 mins 35 secs

HD Sample Clip - not explicit

2 Sample Clips in HD
2 Streams in HD

What a predicament – caught by the wife!
No, not caught with another woman but caught watching WSM material!
So, how to react?
Mrs. CC shows great judgement in deciding the guilt, or otherwise, of the errant Mr. CC.
How many women would react as she did?
Sex life is about new experiences and whether you find such things pleasurable.
Seeing how Mrs. CC responds, you bet she did!
I hear you all saying that you would expect Mrs. CC to respond like that!
So perhaps this is a movie that identifies a problem, but gives the best possible outcome.
A moral tale, but an uplifting one for all WAM followers.
Or maybe it is merely an excuse to provide us all with Slapstick entertainment.
So sit back and enjoy CC’s messy adventure.
This is the normal movie and the XXX content is omitted (see movie XXX052 for XXX addition).

Stream 1 – runs 10 mins 39 secs
Mr. CC is caught by Mrs. CC while watching a messy movie.
She catches on quick and is more annoyed that he has not told her before.
She walks out in a huff.
Outside, she reconsiders.
She changes into a sexy outfit before appearing before Mr. CC who is quite amazed – see CLIP 1

He asks her to put on a pretty dress so he can mess her up.
He also tells her he wants to rip off the dress.
Mr. CC demonstrates what the fetish is all about, spreading rice pudding over his clothes.
He confesses that for years he has been messing up.
Mrs. CC pours gravy over him before permitting him to mess her up.
He starts with gravy but is soon sploshing her with trifle.
‘I can see why you like this’ says Mrs. CC as Mr. CC caresses trifle over her legs.
They have a food fight targeting each other with Chocolate and Raspberry Angel Delight.
Mr. CC admires the way his wife is ‘Getting into this!’
He covers her head with the chocolate dessert.
Then he sleeks the messy food over his very willing wife.

Stream 2 – runs 8 mins 56 secs
Commences with Mrs. CC using a canister of squirty cream on herself.
She creams up her knickers, her head and dress before slurping it into her crotch and inside her knickers.
‘I hadn’t realized it was quite so much fun’, she says.
A pan of custard is ladled down her front, then over her hair and back.
Her dress clings to her with the messiness.
She gets a final jug of gravy and pours it over her arse and panties – see Clip 2.

The gravy runs all down her white stockings.
‘It’s so nice but so messy’, she says.
She squeezes out her dress.
It is all too much for Mr. CC who rejoins her on the bench.
Her underwear has remained largely unseen, so Mr. CC rips her dress away.
Her undies are now all messy.
Mr. CC removes his trousers and shoes while Mrs. CC undoes his shirt.
Sitting on him she pours a large pan of spaghetti over herself.
The action now continues in movie XXX052.

MOVIE CC122 has 2 HD Streams running 19 mins 35 secs.

IMAGE SET S406 has 60 shots
We show you 5 sample images from this set.

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Image Set S406

No of Images 60  

£5.80 / €7.50 / $8.70
  • £5.80

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