15th March 2025

WHAT’S NEW as at 15th March 2025

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

We are now in our 44th Year of Continuous Trading

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!



  1.     This year we have commenced a new series of Download movies.

Before April 2017 there were HD movies that were not offered as Downloads as they had been swept into our Standard Subscription site.

We are now adding a HD movie each Update that gives you the option to Download just that one movie rather than take a Subscription Membership.

These newly added movies will feature under ‘Downloads –Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

This Update we post our 6th HD movie as a Download with movie WSM188 as we reprise our FOOD 11 movie featuring Olivia, who gets liberally food pasted.


  1.    After over 2 years as a Download only, we add movie XXX098 to our Gold Subscription site.

I suppose we are a little remiss in not posting this by 14th February but such is the quality of mess and fun, that it is always a joy to watch Custard Couple setting out to mess and please each other!

Titled ‘Valentines Celebrations 2021’ we are voyeurs as the red balloons and chocolate are unveiled by our lovers Mr. and Mrs. Custard Couple.

We have 25 minute movie XXX098 supported by image set S484XXX with 127 images.

If you noticed the date, in the UK we were all under lockdown.

Schools did not reopen until 8th March 2021.

It was 21st June 2021 before all Covid restrictions were ended.

But all Custard Couple needed were each other!






This is the 6th overlooked HD movie that you can now individually purchase.

For a change we open with a Before and After image shot of Olivia.



Movie WSM188 runs 20 minutes and features the striking and statuesque lady Olivia.

We have the original Phantom ‘Messy Chris’ as he returns for his annual splosh session.

This is a very happy and relaxed shoot with Olivia doing her best to enjoy the experience and chat to the camera.

She commences by describing her all red outfit.

The Phantom commences with cream, Frijj chocolate milkshake, Heinz chicken soup, custard, spaghetti then cooking sauce.

After 5 mins 17 secs she is squirted with mayonnaise. (see Clip1)

At 6 mins 15 secs her skirt is off.

Olivia kneels down to receive more sploshing with her bum an obvious target!

At 7-00 she receives the first food on her hair (some cream).

But Olivia keeps up the happy chat.

At 9-00 her top is off.

Then she opens the front of her knickers to receive some cream.

She is now just clad in her brief bikini and shoes.

Her back gets the treatment, then she sits to get some yogurt.


The 2nd Stream commences with some foot play.

Olivia continues to enjoy the sploshing and encourages some custard into her opened knicker front.

A good custard rub-down follows.

After 1-03 her bra is off – see Clip 2 as soup is poured over her splendid boobs!

The remorseless yet leisurely sploshing continues.

At 3-24 her shoes are off followed very quickly by her knickers.

This incites the Phantom to produce a custard flan, which he applies to Olivia’s bum!

At 4-05 we have beans over her head!

This is then followed by a large plastic container of milk……also over the head!

Olivia winds up the Phantom telling him to ‘Get rid of all that stuff now!’

At 7-30 she says ‘I can see you have left me a pie.  So what am I doing with that then?’

We find out as she sits in the large pie flan.

But as we near the end Olivia’s face is still clean!

Has her appearance intimidated the Phantom and left him frustrated?

All is revealed!!!

We show you 2 Clips from movie WSM188.



We have now published an image set of this shoot being set S370 of Olivia in Food 11.

Sadly I did not attend this shoot and we had no images.

We have now produced 136 shots taken as video grabs.

See if this movie interests you as we show 5 sample image shots.


If you are a member or join our Standard Subscription website, then movie WSM188 and image sets S370 are there……. plus a further 388 movies and 596 image sets!

Some bargain!


But that now changes for you can Download just movie WSM188.

To Purchase movie WSM188 go to https://wsmprod.com


We have added this movie under ‘DOWNLOADS –ONLINE STORE’, then

 ‘Downloads from Website’ section.


MOVIE WSM188  has 2 HD quality Streams running 20 mins 13 secs.



£7-00  GBP

$9-00 USD

Euro 8-40


This movie may be purchased from the UMD Online Store at a cost of $9-00 USD





In this movie XXX098 we see how Custard Couple spent their Valentines Day in 2021.

This is a movie about the anticipation of Mr. CC.

Mrs. CC had carefully planned her messy fun with Chocolate.

Both of them were in a state of arousel and expectation for their messy encounter.

The chocolate and sex did the trick for Mr. CC.

Mrs. CC responded well to suggestion……see if you can identify what!

Slapstick HD movie XXX098 runs 25 minutes.



A  HD Movie plus Image set


CC in ‘Valentines Celebrations 2021’

Run-time 25 mins 00 secs


2 HD Streams

plus 2 HD Sample Clips


Stream 1 runs 11 mins 16 secs

Mrs. CC is dressed in red and black underwear sitting on the couch.

Mr. CC offers her a chocolate lollipop.

Mrs. CC provokes him by showing a greeting written on her bum ‘Happy Valentine’ with a heart.

She leaves him to prepare her special treat.

She has prepared a paddling pool decorated with red balloons in the next room.

She tells Mr. CC that she ‘hopes he is looking forward to a nice dirty Valentines Day!’

Mrs. CC prepares by pouring chocolate sauce over her sexy red/black underwear – see CLIP 1.


She continues to pour the chocolate over herself.

She admits to liking ‘eating chocolate and getting covered in chocolate!’

Mrs. CC is preparing herself for their Valentines treat.

She caresses the chocolate over her body.

Mr. CC has the anticipation of getting Mrs. CC totally messed up for him.

She provokes him more with her descriptions of her intended messy Valentines Day sex fun.

Mrs. CC continues to add chocolate over her body.

She stands to show us her chocolate covered body.

She asks Mr. CC which part of her body he most likes covered in chocolate?

He tells her he likes it down her panties and over her arse.

So Mrs. CC accordingly covers her bum with the chocolate.

Her preparations are now complete and it is time for Mr. CC’s surprise!

She tells him she is going to wrap herself up to look like a sweetie for him.

And the treat is for Mr. CC to unwrap the sweetie and see what is underneath!


Stream 2 runs 13 mins 44 secs

Mrs. CC calls him for his surprise – see CLIP 2


She tells him she thought he would enjoy pouring the liquid chocolate over her.

‘I want you to cover me in chocolate’ she urges him.

So Mr. CC pours chocolate over her, including her hair.

She talks dirty to him as his excitement starts to build.

Mrs. CC gets down in the pool as Mr. CC continues to pour chocolate over her.

He nuzzles her chocolate boobs.

He unwraps her top then removes her trousers.

He peels the sweetie wrappers away!

Mrs. CC is wanting a ‘good shagging in the chocolate!’

‘I so want to be fucked’ she says.

Now they are really enjoying their Valentines Day messy fun!

Mr. CC gets his cock out then we have 7 minutes of XXX fun with doggie sex.

Mrs. CC splays her legs.

Mr. CC takes her with her heels on his shoulders!

Then a blowjob from Mrs. CC with hand wanking.

Mr. CC finger frigs her arse.

Then more doggie sex with Mrs. CC facing the camera over the pool.

Finally clit play.

Mrs. CC is very vocal and totally enjoys the sex play.

They chat continually to each other.


A few timings here from Stream 2:

At 7-15 Mr. CC cums

At 8-00 her knickers are off

At 10-33 her bra is off

From 11-23 to 11-58 Mr. CC finger frigs her arse

From 11-26 to 12-00 Mrs. CC has a prolonged orgasm

At 12-15 more doggie sex

At 12-39 Mr. CC cums for a 2nd time

Finally satisfied……..the dirty pair relax with a glass of wine and toast us all.

‘Happy Valentines Day everybody!’

Whoah!  More wonderful messy moments and sex fun from Custard Couple!


And was there another movie shot in 2022?

Of course……with Mrs. CC in a schoolgirl outfit with delights and custard!


MOVIE XXX098  has 2 HD Streams running 25 mins 00 secs.


IMAGE SET S484XXX has 127 shots.

We show you 5 sample images from this set.

Images involving chocolate always present a special challenge.

Our sample pics and movie clips do not contain XXX material.

But there are plenty of pics of sex activities if you purchase the movie.




£9-00  GBP

$11-00 USD

Euro 10.00


To Purchase movie XXX098 go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then ‘XXX Section’ and find movie
‘Custard Couple in Valentines Celebrations 2021’
which runs 25 minutes and has 127 images.



Movie XXX098 and image set S484XXX are now available on our Gold Subscription site plus 91 other movies!

The Gold Subscription site only contains XXX movies.

How much for this fabulous package?




We have 3 Subscription packages which allow Streaming & Downloading.

These are:

 STANDARD  SUBSCRIPTION (continues our original Subscription).

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Check under “Members Access”, then ‘Movies’ and ‘Images’.

There are now 430 Movies (being 171 SD and 259 HD) plus 597 image sets being 219W, 273S and 105M totaling 66,923 images.

We detail the breakdown of these movies: Total 

Messy Wrestling     18  18


Custard Couple     132  8            124

Wet, Slapstick and Messy     265         

Vintage        15  15 

Custard Couple sets shot in association with WSM have 41 duplicated movies appearing both under Custard Couple and Wet, Slapstick and Messy.

Removing the duplication of 41 movies over the CC and Wet, Slapstick and Messy movies leaves 389 movies (net).

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices for a monthly subscription are:

These are £30 GBP or $42 USD or 40 Euro



This covers the WSM XXX movies only.

See this site at the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

Go to XXX under “Members Access”. 

Click on any image to bring up the write-up, clips and sample images.

Although we have produced 104 XXX movies there are 5 movies ‘time barred’ (under our 2 Year Rule) and a further 8 movies covering Watersports that are not included.

There are 92 movies published on the Gold Subscription site.

These are the following movies currently time barred under our 2 Year Rule and so excluded from the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 050, 103, 104, 105 and 106 (5 in total).

For the Watersports/Pissy the following movies are not included in the Gold Subscription site:

XXX numbers 010, 039, 046, 056, 062, 072, 082, 092 (8 in total).

Of course all these 14 excluded movies are available as Downloads on our website at https://wsmprod.com at ‘Downloads – Online Store’ then ‘XXX Section.’

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

 Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Gold Subscription package of 92 movies is:

£35 GBP or $49 USD or 47 Euro



Which is as the name implies being STANDARD plus GOLD Movies and Images.

This is one of the best WAM value sites on the net with 522 movies gross and 481 allowing for the Custard Couple 41 duplicated movies.

We currently only offer monthly Subscriptions.

Our discounted prices apply for a monthly subscription.

And the cost of a one month Subscription to our Dual Subscription package of 481 movies is:

£59 GBP or $83 USD or 79 Euro


SUBSCRIPTIONS limitation and Advice

Since April 2017 we commenced a policy that our new Download movies transferred to the (Standard) Subscription site after 2 years as a Download.

We confirm that this policy continues and includes XXX movies.


Some people have complained that the monthly subscription is recurring.

This has nothing to do with WSM as the subscription contract is between you and our payment processor.

But there is an easy way to avoid such a surprise, that is by cancelling your subscription as soon as you have taken it.  That way you have all your details to hand…..and you will still get your 30 day subscription.



Our WSM Download UMD STORE continues and there are currently 197 MOVIES and IMAGE sets which offer a remarkable range of shoots from our movie infancy in 1985 to the present.

At last…….we have awoken from our hibernation!

In the last month we have posted:

WSM163 Dee in Wet beach play

WSM190 Kasia & Nikki are two muddy goalies

XXX049 has Custard Couple in Slapstick Sex in a meadow

Two mud wrestling bouts with 4 different girls

For our next addition, we will finally add the last Stream from our Vintage Films.

This is Vintage Film 9 ‘Sex WSM’ Stream 7 featuring Slapstick.  Do note that this is the normal version with no XXX.




CC commenced their own UMD Download Store and since September 2023 have uploaded 162 movies covering W, S and M.

They offer great value and variety.

You really must see the CC Download Store for mature couple WAM, as no-one does it better!

Having recently reached number 1 in the UMD Download Stores list, the reality is, and always was, that CC are the best Slapstick Couple in the world!

Go to https://custard-couple.umd.net



Our next Update will be on 29th March 2025.

After 2 years as a Download only, 28 minute movie CC167 features Mrs. Custard Couple in ‘Wet Hairwash 4’.

This movie is added to our Standard Membership Subscription site.

Plus image set W443. 


We continue our review of our Food range of movies as we review 34 minute movie WSM253 as Ava gets messed in Food 12 plus 314 images in set S457.

1st March 2025

WHAT’S NEW as at 1st March 2025

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

We are now in our 44th Year of Continuous Trading

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


  1.     This year we have commenced a new series of Download movies.

Before April 2017 there were HD movies that were not offered as Downloads as they had been swept into our Standard Subscription site.

We are now adding a HD movie each Update that gives you the option to Download just that one movie rather than take a Subscription Membership.

These newly added movies will feature under ‘Downloads –Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

This Update we post our 5th HD movie as a Download with WSM133 (WSM movie number) or CC09 (Custard Couple movie number).

This is our spoof James Bond movie with Mr. CC being Bond and Mrs. CC as Miss Messypenny.

Miss Messypenny finds herself in a desperate position having fallen into the clutches of the evil Sploshfinger.

But it is Bond to the rescue in this exquisite 49 minute movie with great role play by Custard Couple.


  1.     Our 2nd item has the 3rd write-up from the girl’s viewpoint of some intriguing messy sex play which breathes life into this fantasy play.

In these write-ups the whole WAM experience is new to our model and so brings a different perspective to the shoot.

We feature Tiffany in a visit to the Hairdresser with an experience that changed her life!  Ok, an outrageous statement to make, but this is an outrageous movie!

Movie XXX008 runs 25 minutes and can be purchased by going to the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com and then to ‘Downloads – Online Store’, then ‘XXX Section’. You can find ‘The Hairdresser’ on the 2nd to bottom row.

However, you can read this story below, with a mixture of prose and pics following the movie’s events but all told by the girl involved!

And the best news of all for our write-up………IT IS FREE!!






This is the 5th overlooked HD movie that you can now individually purchase.

This is our spoof James Bond movie with Mr. CC being Bond and Mrs. CC as Miss Messypenny.

Miss Messypenny finds herself in a desperate position having fallen into the clutches of the evil Sploshfinger.

So it is Bond to the rescue in this exquisite 49 minute movie with great role play by Custard Couple.

Plus we have Image set S301 with 7 sample shots (see below) and a total of 204 pics!




Custard Couple in ‘James Bond’


Movie plus Image set

Run-time 49 mins 15 secs


 5 Sample Clips in HD

 5 Streams in HD

  Continue reading

15th February 2025

WHAT’S NEW as at 15th February 2025

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

We are now in our 44th Year of Continuous Trading

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!




  1.     This year we have commenced a new series of Download movies.

Before April 2017 there were HD movies that were not offered as Downloads as they had been swept into our Standard Subscription site.

We are now adding a HD movie each Update that gives you the option to Download just that one movie rather than take a Subscription Membership.

These newly added movies will feature under ‘Downloads –Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website www.wsmprod.com

This Update we post our 4th HD movie as a Download with WSM132 (WSM movie number) or CC08 (Custard Couple movie number).

This movie marked a new era for both WSM and Custard Couple.

This took couple WAM play to a whole new quality of WAM fun.

It was the 3rd joint movie shot with Custard Couple at our associated studio in Yorkshire, being shot in November 2011. But this was now a HD movie unlike the prior two movies being WSM130 ‘Bring on the Custard’ and  

WSM131 ‘Messy Schoolgirl,’ which were both shot in Standard Definition.

  1.    Our 2nd item continues our review of the FOOD series of movies.

We have now reached FOOD 10 which features Rachel Travers in a wonderful 42 minute movie WSM142 which runs 42 minutes.





This is the 4th overlooked HD movie that you can now individually purchase.

We have added this movie under ‘DOWNLOADS –ONLINE STORE’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section, after going to the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com.


One of Custard Couple’s (CC) Classic shoots is their 3rd joint production with WSM with CC cast as the Boss and his Secretary. She exacts messy revenge for being given a demeaning task.

This was one of those shoots when everything went well.

So image set S291 with 194 shots captures some of the sheer fun, as CC indulged their fantasies and cut loose as both of them can now appear together on camera.

The images just fizz with mess, their mutual love for each other, plus their best sex foreplay treated as a wet and messy adventure.

So these pics go that extra distance as they were not staged or posed.

The messy action came thick and fast and CC relished every minute!

So did it reach XXX level?

Oh Yes!

Go to our Online Store XXX Section to see details of CC’s 24 minute movie XXX004 plus image set S291XXX.

Check these sample shots to see not only how messy CC became but how turned on they were!


  Continue reading

1st February 2025

WHAT’S NEW as at 1st February 2025

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

We are now in our 44th Year of Continuous Trading

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!



For UK users a change in the law by this July 2025.

All websites on which pornographic material can be found, must introduce “robust” age-checking techniques, such as demanding photo ID or running credit card checks for UK users by July.


You need to wear belt braces and jockstrap!

‘Why does an Irishman wear two condoms?’

Answer – ‘To be sure! To be sure!’

Both the above express extreme reactions in the face of uncertainty.

So what is my point?

You can be too extreme in trying to prevent possible future damage especially when nothing currently exists!


And so it turns out with the latest UK legislation to have all porn sites undertake Age Verification.

With the overwhelming horror of children being able to have had unhindered access to porn sites, one would expect rampant sexual activity among children and young adults.

But as I wrote last week, nothing could be further from the truth, as sexual activity is falling away dramatically.

So where is the damage of such freedom and does it possibly result in revulsion and abstinence?

The courtrooms of Britain only contain exploitative adults preying on children.

So am I trying to justify porn being freely available to children?

Certainly not, but at least WSM have a track record of porn prevention to those under-age.

Being a fetish site, how have WSM achieved that?

Any XXX material is not depicted in our free sample movie Clips or sample images.

To see XXX material, it has to be purchased.


Now this is where we come into confrontation with the UK authorities.

Talk about take a simple problem and go for crass over-regulation and cost!

We face two problems here:

  1.  Websites that permit free access to pornographic material with no checks or constraints.

As virtually all are not based in the UK, (indeed are there any adult based UK sites now?), this means taking strong and costly prohibition measures.

There is no doubt that the adult industry needs to self regulate itself much better, as some sites are a disgrace and show no willingness to change.

  1.  For sites that do not permit any free access to XXX material, there should be encouragement, not prohibition.

And the remedy is so simple…….yet so ignored.

You should be only able to access such sites XXX material by purchasing with a credit card.

Why a credit card?

Because you need to be 18 years old before you can receive one.

Credit card checks are quite unnecessary.

If someone misuses a credit card, then the owner wants to know why.

If a credit card gets lost or stolen then normally it is blocked on presentation.

So we could move to nil credit card checks with 1 or 2 per cent being misused (always with consequences).

But the costs for introducing ‘robust’age-checking techniques are astromominal for a legislature who have been totally indifferent up to 2025.

I have seen no estimate of the cost of porn prohibition in the UK for year 2025/26.

So removing harmful online content from children is possible, or at least it is when you have sites like WSM willing to co-operate.

Sadly one brush sweeps away everything.

So will WSM still be here in 6 months?

An interesting question, but you can be assured that we will speak up and advise you what is occurring.

WSM have tried for over 43 years to behave correctly, but we will still be subject to draconian rules!

As we said last Update, the great virtue of the unchanging WSM website is that it is a gradual informer……not a destroyer!


According to the United Nations there are currently 193 countries in the world.

Age Verification has been pursued by just 16 countries.

These include France, Germany and Australia.

The USA is the country consuming the greatest volume of pornography but there is no current political appetite for age verification (but Kansas, Florida and Idaho have introduced legislation).

But no country in the world has solved this problem……hence the long UK delay.


Okay, some further strong yet factual thoughts above.

But one big current weakness of WSM is a truly awful ‘contact us’ section.

That now changes.  We can now take feedback.

Any questions/feedback then contact me Mike Ellison at  mike.wsmproductions@gmail.com



  1.     This year we have commenced a new series of Download movies.

Before April 2017 there were HD movies that were not offered as Downloads as they had been swept into our Standard Subscription site.

We are now adding a HD movie each Update that gives you the option to Download just that one movie rather than take a Subscription Membership.

These newly added movies will feature under ‘Downloads –Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com. 

This Update we post our 3rd HD movie as a Download with WSM126 of the big busted Jenny with her Phantom.

Together they had come up with a new messy game which they termed ‘The Dressing Game’ gameshow.

This is classic WAM entertainment!

 First published in April 2012 this 23 minute movie has Jenny messed up then she is joined by her Phantom for superb messy couple play.


  1.    This 2nd update is most unusual because like planets sometimes become aligned, continuing our review of the FOOD series of movies, we have now reached FOOD 9, which so happens to feature Jenny.





This is the 3rd overlooked HD movie we are adding under ‘DOWNLOADS –ONLINE STORE’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com.


This week we look at a lady who found WSM quite by chance but it did transform her life.

This Tribute is devoted to the busty JENNY.

I first met Jenny in December 2007 at Yorkshire Studios.

Jenny made 17 movies for WSM. 

We also shot 18 image sets:

1 wet

12 Slapstick

5 mud

Life was not easy for Jenny and she cancelled more shoot sessions than she attended.  But I was patient and we experienced some great shoots.

Shooting movie WSM124 of Food 9 in November 2011 changed Jenny’s life.

She met the Phantom.

For those who wonder what our models truly think of their wet and messy work, Jenny did reveal her thoughts to the Phantom.

This is part of what the Phantom wrote:

“Jenny enjoyed the fun, the mess, but that in itself didn’t turn her on – what turned her on was knowing that she was turning others on!

She called WSM shoots her ‘Messy Bubble’, her escape, where for a while she could relax, enjoy and have lots of silly fun, well away from all the hassles of everyday life.

It helped her to re-charge her battery again!

We would enter into a different world, into our messy world where nothing mattered except lots of messiness, sexy fun and laughter!”

As you see, Jenny enjoyed her work and she wanted to please you and knew that her work did please you!


Jenny and the Phantom designed a new Game Show in which they both could join in!
They understood that a more modern Adult gameshow should involve couples.
JENNY and the PHANTOM feature in this 23 minute HD movie WSM125, titled ‘The Dressing Game’.
So what happens in this gameshow?
Jenny strips.
A nude Jenny face dunks into 11 bowls of foodstuffs.
Jenny is sploshed by 3 Booby Bowls.
Jenny re-dresses in her very messy clothes.
Jenny engages in tit for tat bowl sloshing while having her clothes ripped off.
Next, our brave couple are subjected to a dozen cream flans.
Then the cakes provide some great slapstick moments.
Finally, our couple liberally gunge each other from the floor mess.

But did I tell you we have an enthusiastic audience who clap, hoot and groan!
Additionally, there are graphics.
Then, finally our audience vote!
Concluding with a reprise about Jenny, this is the ‘Dressing Game’ Gameshow!
Fantastic stuff from a fantastic model!
We show you 2 HD Clips from movie WSM125.


And how did that all occur?

Some careful planning goes to create such a movie.

Let us fill in the detail by showing the preparatory form that was used for this movie

Arrival – glamorous with a strip to nude.

Suggest she uses the bed to emphasize the glamour aspect with more opportunity for raunchy shots!

Jenny asks : ‘What have you done with my clothes?’

Taken to shower area with 12 bowls containing the clothes lined up on the floor.

Jenny shocked.

Dunking rules explained for new WSM game.

She has to find her clothes in the bowls by head dunking (while nude) but only using her mouth to remove the clothes.

There are 9 clothing items plus 3 booby bowls which have no clothes.

The 12 identical bowls contain:


Chocolate custard

Natural yogurt

Flavoured fruit yogurts – strawberry

Rice pudding

Tomato soup

Chicken soup

Frijj Fudge Brownie Milkshake

Banana dessert whip (NO GOOD! So was withdrawn)

Flavoured fruit yogurts – pineapple

Butterscotch dessert whip

Drinking chocolate

She is given goggles & told that if she does not find any clothes in a bowl, then its contents will be thrown over her.

She finds all 9 clothes items:






Stocking 1

Stocking 2

Shoe 1

Shoe 2

Goggles off.

Once she finds all the clothes, there is a break as the 9 remaining bowls are removed and her messy clothes are laid out.

She re-dresses in the messy clothes.

Then she has to undress by ripping off all her clothes.

The final part is to have her ‘dressed’ with flans and finished with several cakes.

We could make this into a game show with viewers voting for :

Head dunking

Messy clothes (after re-dressing – figure clinging and mess)

Sloshed girl (after the bowls)

Miss Flan

Caked Miss

We could do this with an audience ‘vote-now’ remote control on a scale of 1-100.

Or we could just let it all happen and ignore the mythical audience!

Dated 29th November 2011


Perhaps this may have opened your eyes as to how much preparation and detail is required.

But after the shoot comes the edit and manner of presentation as we did decide that it required an audience!


Image set S293 was reformated with a set of pics that only include Jenny.

The number of shots is now 135 (with removing the Phantom pics).

But these are enhanced full screen shots.

We show you 5 sample shots from image set S293 featuring Jenny in ‘The Dressing Game’ gameshow.


You can now purchase the Download movie WSM125 plus image set S293.

To Purchase movie WSM125 go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then  Downloads from Website’ and find the movie titled
‘The Dressing Game’ gameshow.


MOVIE WSM125  has 2 HD quality Streams running 23 mins 03 secs.

  Continue reading

18th January 2025

WHAT’S NEW as at 18th January 2025

OUR NAME CHANGED to www.wsmprod.com in February 2017

We are now in our 44th Year of Continuous Trading

We are the oldest WAM business in the world!


WSM has a profile of a fetish sex site without giving direct access to any XXX material.

We consider ourselves as the introducer or first step in any person’s interest in Wet and Messy (now known as WAM) fetish material.

To date we have published 511 movies with detailed write-ups, Clips and Sample Images.

Any XXX material has to be purchased to be viewed.

This is the 711th Update I have written since commencing write-ups on 10th December 2009.

Our images commenced publication in 1981, but it was not until 1989 our 1st video appeared.

WSM sold the 1st commercial WAM video in the world commencing after Certification by the British Board of Film Classification on 30th January 1989.

This was Vintage Film 1 ‘the Hopeful Starlet’ which is still available over 5 Streams in our ‘Downloads – Online Store’.

And this was mailed out inside a plain white video sleeve! (as there was no internet)

WSM has always promoted Wet, Slapstick and Messy often to the detriment of profit.


But now the world has gone mad!

Sexual activity has been in decline for at least 25 years.

Sexual content in the cinema has fallen almost 40%  since the millennium.

We now have Quasi kids (meaning – kids to all intents and purposes) growing up Namby Pamby (meaning –  weak, silly or emotional).

Sexuality has lost its meaning and attraction.

The young want to keep their distance and individualism.

Young people do not want to be in couples any more.

But these Gen Zers are not just single but often happy to be so.

The number of adults who have never been married or in a civil partnership has almost doubled

in the past 30 years.  They account for nearly 40% of the population.

In the UK young men are copping out as 13.5% are not in education, employment or training, compared to 10.8% of women.

Testosterone levels are falling in men, the birth rate is plummeting.

But some people are lonely and miserable!

So you see…….sexuality has a lot to answer for.

There is now no such thing as a gradual approach to an interest in sex or a sexual fetish.

A few clicks on the computer buttons take you to the most advanced yet often repulsive aspects of a sexual topic as it is all too fast an approach.

So the great virtue of the unchanging WSM website is that it is a gradual informer……not a destroyer!  


Okay, some strong yet factual thoughts above.

But one big current weakness of WSM is a truly awful ‘contact us’ section.

That now changes.  We can now take feedback.

Any questions/feedback then contact me Mike Ellison at  mike.wsmproductions@gmail.com



  1.     As we explained last Update we have commenced a new series of Download movies.

Before April 2017 there were HD movies that were not offered as Downloads as they had been swept into our Standard Subscription site.

We are now adding a HD movie each Update that gives you the option to Download just that one movie rather than take a Subscription Membership.

These newly added movies will feature under ‘Downloads –Online Store’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com. 

This Update we post our 2nd HD movie as a Download with WSM127 of MILF Kerrie.

After my remarks above, this is an interesting movie choice, as it features domination and bondage. First published in January 2013 this 23 minute movie has Kerrie in a tomato soup shoot with ‘Mr. Nasty’.


  1.     I was literally gobsmacked when Custard Couple (CC) declared in late 2022 that their new movie would be a ‘Messy Tribute to HM Queen’.

This was a custom shoot and we are privileged to share in their sploshing fun.

Her Majesty died on 8th September 2022 at the age of 96.

So the CC Tribute is 96 sploshes!!!

But being CC, the Mess and fun soon takes on erotic overtones.

The sploshing is interrupted with some horny, messy sex!

When the 96 sploshings are completed, CC indulge in one of the Queen’s personal likes, with tea and marmalade sandwiches.

44 minute movie XXX101 is a unique movie from a unique couple!

This movie and image set are now added to our Gold Subscription site.





This is the 2nd overlooked HD movie we are adding under ‘DOWNLOADS –ONLINE STORE’, then ‘Downloads from Website’ section on the Home Page of our website at www.wsmprod.com. 


Our Slapstick production choice this week is contentious.

It is about domination and some mild bondage as Mr. Nasty dominates the unfortunate Kerrie!

Now one thing you can never accuse WSM of is being predictable!

So when I started to review the 23 minute movie WSM127, I scarcely anticipated what would follow!!

After 3 minutes, my hair was standing on end and I was totally astounded!

When Mr. Nasty had suggested a tomato soup set with Kerrie, I had no qualms in giving the go ahead, even though I could not make the shoot.

I mean, Mr. Nasty had done a custard bondage set with Betty in a 41 minute movie WSM118 (this is a SD movie), which was unusual and challenging, but scarcely a ‘Whoa there’ experience!

But this was very different!

So after 8 cuts from the first compilation, WSM published movie WSM127.

You see this is a full on Messy Domination, hand-cuff bondage and humiliation movie.

We have all seen those Japanese movies when the girl constantly whimpers and seemingly protests at any move of a sexual nature!

Well, this is a UK version except the girl is expected to whimper and protest at her nasty, messy treatment.

Now many of you will view it and say what is all the fuss about?

But others may be very critical.

I suppose the answer is in how you define your FUN.

WSM always look to create FUN sets.

No doubt this was great fun for Mr. Nasty, but to Kerrie?

Well, I think the answer is simple.

Would she do another set in similar messy vein with the dastardly Mr. Nasty?

And her reply was an unqualified ‘Yes’, adding that ‘With the hand-cuffs and soup it was good fun, although a bit cold!’

Of course I had checked that she freely signed a model release and just for good measure, we have added on an unscripted reality Clip to show a very happy Kerrie after the shoot!

Messy fun comes in many guises and this movie is just one of them!

See what you think as we show two FREE Clips.




We have already published 150 shots in Image set S311 that accompanies Movie WSM127.

In December 2011 we published our first MESSY BONDAGE movie.

This featured Betty in messy CUSTARD BONDAGE WSM118.

Now a number of you were quite shocked and believed that Betty was unhappy with the experience! Nothing could be further from the truth, as Betty just loves BONDAGE!

This week we have a different experience as KERRIE is handcuffed and subjected to the humiliating taunts of Mr. Nasty!  This is Image set S311 with 150 images.

Starting in her all white outfit, Kerrie is soon very messy before she is stripped naked!

Once again, Kerrie just loved it.

As long as it is wet or messy fun……then KERRIE is up for it!

This messy bondage shoot features just one messy foodstuff…….TOMATO SOUP!

Mr. Nasty does his best to grope and take advantage of Kerrie, but it is all good fun to them both, despite the gruff approach!

Never mind about Christian Grey!  Get some simple bondage wear (such as handcuffs).

You can become an experienced and dominant lover.

So she wants some 50 shades of Grey?

Easy with compromise!

Well you want your 50 messy substances (to complete your fetish dream)!

So soon you will be saying as did Mr. Grey ‘I want you to willingly surrender yourself to me in all things!’

Which makes Mr. Nasty’s handling of Kerrie and the tomato soup, rather tame indeed!

We show you 5 Images from set S311 of KERRIE.

1st Image handcuffed but clean

2nd image Mr. Nasty smears the soup

3rd image on your knees and listen!

4th image Mr. Nasty enjoying his fun

5th image messy and naked, Kerrie enjoys the domination!





You can now purchase the Download movie WSM127 plus image set S311.

To Purchase movie WSM127 go to https://wsmprod.com then Downloads – Online Store, then  Downloads from Website’ and find the movie titled
‘Messy Tomato Soup domination’.


MOVIE WSM127  has 2 HD quality Streams running 23 mins 00 secs.



£7-50  GBP

$10-10 USD

Euro 8-60


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