Custard Couple in Beauty and the Beast - part 1


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4 HD Sample Clips in MP4
4 HD Streams in MP4

As this is a joint production with WSM, movie WSM278 and identical movie CC198 have WSM filming, so allowing CC to express themselves as a Couple.
And doubly significant:
As the CC Xmas movie for 2021.
As a very poignant reminder of fabulous fun at Yorkshire Studios…….as sadly this was CC’s final movie shot there as the studio closed at the end of 2018.

Stream 1 runs 6 mins 03 secs
A terrified Beau rushes through the woods to escape devilish wolves and a grim looking Beast.
She blunders into a mud pool.
She is confused and panicky and ventures into a river to evade her pursuers.
The Beast has been trailing her and watches as she flounders in the river.
Too good an opportunity to miss so the Beast enters the river to capture her! – see CLIP 1.

Image set W411 with 88 shots covers this Stream1.
We show you a couple of sample shots.

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Stream 2 runs 11 mins 18 secs
Beau finds herself in a wood hut and is instructed to shower then go to the Dining Room in the Castle.
So we see Beau slowly getting wet and disrobing with the shower. – see CLIP 2.

Being Mrs. CC water provokes a natural response within her.
Finally, we see her in the Castle Dining Room puzzling over the fading red rose.
Image set W417 with 65 shots shows us Beau taking a shower.
We show you a couple of sample shots.

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Stream 3 runs 9 mins 22 secs
Starts with the Beast sitting in despair in the castle kitchen as time ticks away for him to learn to love.
He realizes that beauty lies deep within himself and people should not be bothered by his outward grizly appearance.
But the Beast is sad for although he cares deeply for Beau, what with his wretched appearance and having imprisoned her, it has only made her resent him.
The Beast is under a spell.
But who alone knows how to get the Beast transformed?
We find out in this Stream.
Then what happens?
Beau has to give the Beast an almighty sploshing! – see CLIP 3.

After the way the Beast has treated Beau, then it is pay-back time!
So Beau uses the kitchen foodstuffs to give the Beast a good sploshing.
And once he is covered…..he is transformed and as the messiness falls away he is revealed as a handsome prince!
Image set S487 with ??? shots shows us the Beast being sploshed and his transformation.
We show you 3 sample shots which cover Stream 3.

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Stream 4 runs 9 mins 21 secs
So what subtle twist did we dream up so that both Mr. and Mrs. CC were both liberally sploshed?
See the answer here – see CLIP 4.

Beau needs to be sploshed up!
She urges her Prince to ‘cover me every inch’.
‘You must go everywhere’ Beau tells him.
And indeed our Prince does!
With the sploshed-up Beau looking so delectable our Prince proposes!
But a snag here for Beau. What is his name?
The Prince reveals his name and Beau agrees to wed him.
They will be married in the Castle Ballroom in their finest outfits!
And yes, you are invited too.
See part 2 of Beauty and the Beast in movie WSM280-CC200 with a full image set.
There will be an alternate version XXX094 running for one hour which will include the normal movie WSM280-CC200 plus their messy marriage consummation!

But back to Stream 4 of movie WSM278-CC198.
Image set S487 covers this Slapstick kitchen scene.
We show you a further 3 sample shots from image set S487 which cover Stream 4.

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Total Run Time: 36 mins 04 secs

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